看美剧学高频短语:A neddle in a haystack
A needle in a haystack:something that is impossible or extremely difficult to find, especially because the area you have to search is too large or too intricacy. (比如像大海捞针般难以寻觅)
以下是实用短语“A neddle in a haystack”在美剧片断中的情景例句:
E.G.1:We’re probably never gonna find Zach anyway, It’s a needle in a haystack. (DH S02E04)
E.G.2:Imagine the fallout if the public were to find out that —A needle in a haystack, and not a needle that Dunbar is looking for. (HOC S02E11)
参考翻译:如果让公众知道了,那还了得。– 大海捞针,而且即使找到了,也不是邓巴想要的。
E.G.3:You know who did great this week? The police. The FBI. The DOJ. Homeland Security. In less than 100 hours, they found two needles in a haystack the size of the world. (The Newsroom S03E01)