Pull out all the stops
go the extra mile
start from scratch
work around the clock
walking on eggshells
get the boll rolling
strike while the iron is hot
left no stone unturned
Think on his/her/their feet
burning the midnight oil
take the bull by the horns
rolled with the punches
bide one’s time
turn the tables
turn the tide
leave a lasting impression
bent over backwards
face the music
rally the troops
think outside the box
step out of one’s comfort zone
take the bull by the horns
Turning over a new leaf
mix things up
threw caution to the wind
Nip something in the bud
Tighten one’s belt
get her ducks in a row
stay ahead of the curve
keeping one’s eyes peeled
connecting the dots
weather the storm
take the plunge
read between the lines
Keep someone on their toes
stay ahead of the curve
hitting the ground running
between a rock and hard place
the light at the end of the tunnel
keep one’s head above water
Call the shots
pick up the pieces
stand the test of time
Turn the tide
turning a blind eye
bite the bullet
turn over a new leaf
make his/her ends meet
bit off more than one can chew
dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s


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