看美剧学实用短语:Take sth with a grain of salt
Take sth with a grain of salt: it means to view a statement or piece of information with skepticism or doubt, not taking it entirely at face value. (对某个陈述或信息持怀疑态度,不完全相信它的表面价值。即对某个观点、论断或现象取其精华,去之糟粕,不要全然相信,应有所保留,适可而止。)
以下是实用短语“Take sth with a grain of salt”的相关例句:
When he boasted about his million-dollar deal, I took it with a grain of salt, knowing he has a tendency to stretch the truth and embellish [ɪm’belɪʃ] his achievements.
参考翻译:当他说自己有百万美元的交易时,我半信半疑,因为我知道他有夸大事实和修饰成就的倾向。Her story about encountering a celebrity at the grocery store seemed far-fetched, so I decided to take it with a grain of salt and not get carried away by her excitement.
参考翻译:她在杂货店遇到名人的故事听起来有些牵强,所以我决定持怀疑态度,不被她的兴奋情绪所感染。The article claimed that the new diet could work miracles, but given the publication’s history of sensationalism, I took the advice with a grain of salt and consulted a nutritionist.