Jump the gun:it is an idiomatic expression meaning to start something prematurely or too early, often without sufficient preparation or before the appropriate time. It originates from the idea of starting a race before the starting gun is fired. (意思是操之过急或过早地开始某事,通常是在没有足够准备或在适当的时间之前开始。这一表达源于在发令枪响前就开始比赛的想法。)

看美剧学实用短语:Jump the gun

以下是实用短语“Jump the gun”在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:Uh,gabrielle,i think you’re jumping the gun here. Why?A spot opened up. Molly henderson is moving to florida,right? (DH S06E08 23:50)
参考翻译:呃,Gabrielle,我觉得你有点操之过急了。为什么?有个名额空出来了。Molly Henderson 要搬去佛罗里达,对吧?

E.G.2:Look, I know I jumped the gun, but one wrong question and I’m out? You weren’t jumping the gun, it set you off. (Suits S02E11 06:58)

E.G.3:Uh… aren’t you jumping the gun? Until the homeowners association votes, you don’t have approval for your project. (DH S07E10 01:30)

E.G.4:Speaking of high school, I saw my high-school sweetheart…and I think I might like him. Again. Is that crazy? — No, I love this. You could end up with your high-school boyfriend. — Okay, let’s not jump the gun. (SATC S06E10 05:38)

以下是实用短语“Jump the gun”在日常及商务语境的相关例句:

“Before you jump the gun, make sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row; otherwise, you’ll put the cart before the horse and end up with a mess on your hands.”

“He jumped the gun by spilling the beans about the promotion, causing everyone to get ahead of themselves and count their chickens before they hatched.”

“If you jump the gun on this deal, you’ll not only burn your bridges but also open a can of worms that could have been avoided.”


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