看绝望的主妇学高频短语:There’s more to it than that
More to it than that:Used for saying that someone or something is more interesting, impressive, complicated etc. than they seem to be. This expression means that there is more to the subject than what has already been said. (比已经陈述的要超出、要复杂,不仅仅如此)
- 当我们觉得某件已经陈述过的事情可能透露或解释得不彻底,还有更多没有被阐明的原因及可能性时;
- 当我们收到别人的请求,感觉可能他们话里有话,或者另有所图,或者觉得事情没有描述的那么简单时。
看绝望的主妇学高频短语:”There’s more to it than that”相关例句:
E.G.1:I just needed a place to rest, that’s all. I think there’s more to it than that. (DH S02E24)
参考翻译:我只是需要一个可以休息的地方,仅此而已。我觉得这事不仅仅如此吧。E.G.2:When you start having inappropriate thoughts, and I can be that friend. Well, there’s more to it than that. (DH S02E20)
参考翻译:当你开始产生那些不适当的想法时,我可以作为你的朋友。而且,不仅仅只是朋友那么简单。E.G.3:I want you to come to dinner tomorrow night. –Ah. Sounded like there was more to it than that. (DH S08E12)
参考翻译:我想要你明天晚上来吃晚餐。 — 我怎么感觉不仅仅如此啊。