Bulimic [bu’lɪmik]:Suffering from bulimia [bu’lɪmiə] (= a mental illness in which someone eats too much and then intentionally vomits), or relating to this illness: (患厌食症的)
Gag [ɡæɡ]:To experience the sudden uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the throat and stomach that makes you feel like you are going to vomit. (使恶心欲吐、使呕吐)
Manifesto [ˌmænɪ’festəʊ]:a written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a political party. (宣言;声明)
Commited to do sth:If you’re committed to something, you’re pledged or obligated to do it. (发誓、尽忠做某事)
To/the heck with sb/sth:“Heck with it” is a phrase of dismissal. It’s used kind of like “whatever.” (爱咋咋地、管它/他呢、随便)
E.G.1:I failed my math test. To heck with it, I’ll just study harder for the next test.
E.G.2:My husband never likes to have people over, but the heck with him, I’m inviting all of my besties.
E.G.3:I never like to sing in front of the audience, but the heck with it, tonight I’m singing.
Rearch out to someone:to make an effort to communicate with people or to give them your support. (努力与某人沟通与提供帮助)
Stencil [‘stensl]:a picture made by drawing or painting through the holes in such a piece of card, etc. onto a surface. (用模板、型板复刻、印制图案、依葫芦画瓢)
Chug [tʃʌɡ]:(slang) to drink all of sth quickly without stopping. (一口气喝完)
S01E06-Part03 Recap
Cut corners:偷工减料
Be able to pull sth off:manage to do sth
- 退让、让步 (compromise)
- 销售场地、摊位(stall)
- 许可、销售权 (Franchise)
Escalate: 扩大/升级问题
Alpha mom:
- to make other moms feel inadequate.
- Very good at multi-tasking
- Sometimes can be quite aggressive if you piss them off.
- Versatile(多才多艺)
Strikes to the core:攻击要害
Two-faced liar / stab sb in the back
Blatant maneuver:明显的操纵
Submit yourself to play by one’s rules/ to toe the party line
Crisis averted:危机解除、警报解除
Committed a felony:犯下重罪
Push sb over the edge / reaching the end of someone’s patience
Economic crisis / great recession
You have no idea how/what/where(实用句型)
Middle life crisis/ middle malaise
Nice save:
Take a wild guess
File allocation table
Reassemble / resemble
No harm, no foul
Give it a try/ shot
Give sb the attitude/look
Wait hand and foot for sb
Be concerned about
Take shortcuts /cut corners
Not……just because 强调句
Check up on sth
Blend in
Troubled kids / messed-up teenagers
Bulimic: 犯贪食症的
Went off the deep end:Behave irrationally
There’s more to it than that:
Own it to someone:
Credit limit:信用额度
Bunk with sb:
Toasty: warm + cozy
Throw herself at Rex
Blood circulation running smoothly at young age.
Fall off the wagon
Assumed the heavy lifting
Susan:Clumsy / Gaby:Seductive
Be head with sth:
Have/got a lot/enough on one’s plate
I/sb figured (that) 估摸、判断出
Biological/foster father
Reach out to someone:
- To communicate with sb
- To offer help to someone
Have a good command of doing sth
Have a lot on sb’s plate / in sb’s glass
Drinking problem: sober/drunk
A.A meeting 互助会(Sponsor /mentor:to help those who’re in need of support to get over the hump.
Cram sth in:to handle multiple tasks at the same time.
AD(H)D: Attention deficit disorder
Sugar makes them hyper.
Chug:to drink all of sth very quickly without stopping.
Pay off:
- it pays off in the long run. (收到回报、获得收益)
- Pay all of the debt. (清偿债务)
The bottom line is/
1、the bullet point is/ the important/critical /crucial point is
2、底线是什么: This is the undermost price we can offer.
3、公司的盈亏线: Go in the black/red / go bankrupt
To heck with it:/ the heck/hell with sth/sb
Risk someone’s neck:to do sth that puts one in danger of serious injury or death or punishment.
Gambler: bluff
the art of bragging: pull a wool on sb’s eyes
She’s pregnant / she’s in a delicate condition /she’s expecting (Polished language:
Draw/ deflect sb’s attention:牵引或转移某人的视线
Mopey——>>Pull yourself together