Draw/attract /deflect
Pull a stunt
get sth eye-catching
/ command someone’s attention.
You have to earn it.
Arouse your curiosity.
Keep a low profile > remain inconspicuous.
In stark contrast
She caused/created/made a scene
Slapstick 闹剧 Bystander
Have designs on somebody
Have an agenda:内心有规则
Have designs on sb:内心有期待
Have ulterior motive:图谋不轨
Aim to obtain (something), typically in an underhand way.
Under a terrible strain
Work out the kinks: straighten sth out
To be careful: Cautious, prudent
Susan feels better flies in her stomach.
PI: — Eide
Gaby and Tom agreed upon that they don’t wanna end on a bad note.
Make a clear break 一刀两断
Get use to:
Tuned in: 水乳交融
Treacherous slut:
Caught sb on spot:
That’s it, then.
Come barreling: 飞快移动
Bottom of the barrel:社会底层
Kiss his mother’s ass:
As Juanita tetered dangerously close to the write light. Lynette and Tom were headed into the white hole.
Obsession is a double-edged sword, one end leads to a bright future, the other end leads to a black hole.
Having a row / argument/ dispute
Root cause:
Macho pride:out-complete
Purposely / deliverablly
steal her husband’s thunder
judge by / from:
Fake happy marriage – detergent commercial
Begrudge her
Spotless kitchen
Perfect kids
Throw fabulous party
Competition / keep up with Jones
Something is fighting against me. Haunting me.
Take the offensive:to begin to attack or fight against someone or something. (开始采取攻势)
Power base:an area of a country or a group of people on which someone’s power depends. (后方阵营,后盾,代表某种政治权力的基础;在商务语境里则指:拥护者,支持者,拥泵)
Amorous [‘æmərəs]:having or showing strong feelings of sexual attraction or love. (对某人有表露爱意、性渴求的打算)
Leggy brunette [bruː’net] :长腿黑发的女子
Lou gehrig’s disease:渐冻人又因美国著名棒球明星Luo Gehrig死于此病而称为葛雷克氏症(Lou Gehrig’s disease)。
Clear the air:to get rid of bad feelings between two people or groups thus to resolve any problems or disagreements. (缓和气氛)
What-not:something or anything of the same or similar kind. (诸如此类)
Kook [kuːk]:A mad or eccentric [ɪk’sentrɪk] person. (疯子、怪人)
DH S01E07 – Part04 (下)
Tom thinks Lynette always trying to upstage him.
Spotless kitchen
Perfect kids
Fabulous parties
Keep up /catch up/ keep abreast with
Vice president of an Advertising agency
Be reminded of : 让某人回想起某事
People look up on her
Stuck in the middle 被限定在某一个范围内
All went down the drain
Sth gets sb:
- 带来不好的、消极的影响,产生痛苦。
- 让人产生共鸣,理解,懂得
At least one of you gets me.
Pull sth off:
A fight to the death. 鱼死网破
No victory comes without a price.
The Entire episode is spinning on its core: competition. From keeping peace with the neighborhood to the competition with friends, rivals, to the inconspicuous fight with your spouse. The society worships victory and the mass majority put winners on the pedestal, but it is the rare man who actually gets to see the drama behind the scenes, we can only imagine the loneliness they have endured, the misfortune they have suffered, the countless defeat they have gone through.
Here I’d like to quote a line from Desperate Housewives “Anything that’s worth competing is hard, so don’t get dizzy climbing up that social ladder.” You see, competition is everywhere, on the road of climbing to the top is paved with self-doubt and frustration, it’s cruel but it’s true. Even though we’re smart enough to figure out a way that leads us to the shoulders of the giant, we still have to struggle while pulling ourselves up from the ground to land on that spot without knowing whether the giant is willing to offer a speedy ride or not. “After all, Life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side.”
There are pangs and toils behind every spotlight.