

Clip01:Chuck and Wendy (Billions S05E11 14:33)

Wendy:We really didn’t have to do it like this. 这样的形式真没必要

——>> I would have wired it. 我完全可以电汇给你

Chuck:Sometimes auspicious [ɔː’spɪʃəs (幸运的、吉祥的)] beginnings and auspicious 有时候必须亲自开启一段幸运的旅程

——>> endings need to be done in person. 亲自结束一段美满的往事

Wendy:You wanted me to have to hand you 25 million. 你要求我必须给付你两千五百万

——>> Like this. 像这样

Chuck:I guess I just wanted to see what it would be like 我当时可能只想体会一下

——>> to hold this much at once. 立时得到一大笔钱是什么感觉

——>> Perhaps see if anything rushed through me. 看看会不会有快感

——>> But, uh… 可惜…

——>> No, 什么也没有

——>> just sadness. 只是伤感

——>> And a cold certainty that none of this ever had to happen. 而且意识到一个冰冷的事实 以前也没有体会过那种快感

Wendy:There we agree. 同感

Chuck:So you still get a rush from the money alone? 你还是仅凭金钱就有快感吗

Get a rush from something:it is an idiomatic expression that means to experience a sudden and intense feeling of excitement, thrill, or adrenaline from a particular activity or situation. It implies a heightened sense of exhilaration or stimulation.

参考释义:”Get a rush from sth” 是一个惯用语,意味着因某种活动或情境而突然感受到强烈的兴奋、刺激或肾上腺素分泌增加。它暗示了一种增强的兴奋感或刺激感。

Wendy:Don’t ask me those ki… 别拿这种问题…

——>> I’m gonna head out. 走了

Chuck:And like that, lines are drawn. 就这样反目成仇

To draw a line:it is an idiomatic expression that means to set a clear boundary or limit, indicating that there are certain actions or behaviors that are considered unacceptable or will not be tolerated beyond that point. It implies establishing a demarcation between acceptable and unacceptable actions. (划清界限)

参考释义:”Draw a line” 是一个惯用语,意味着设定明确的边界或限制,表示某些行为被认为是不可接受的,超过这一点将不被容忍。它暗示在可接受和不可接受的行为之间建立了一个明确的分界。

——>> No, tattooed, permanently. 不 是永远的记恨

——>> Some of your money to me. 你把自己的部分财产给了我

——>> The rest of you to him. 其余的你给了他

Wendy:Congratulations, then, are in order, to you. 既然这么说 那倒是应该祝贺你

To be in order:it means that something is appropriate, suitable, or fitting. (那么,祝贺你是合适的,因为你精心策划了一切。)

——>> For orchestrating it all. 你的谋划成功实现

——>> Since the moment you set your sights on Axe five years ago, 从五年前你瞄上Axe开始

——>> you have orchestrated a perfect plan 就着手精心策划

——>> to impel us together, which makes no sense. 着力把我们撮合到一起 如果是不了解你的人

——>> unless someone knows you, which I have. 会觉得这毫无道理 而我了解你

——>> Goodbye. 再见

Clip02:Bob and Wendy (Billions S05E03 39:29)

Bob:I have what I need to take this Headmaster out. 我能让那个校长身败名裂

——>> Do I fix this for him? 我应该为他摆平这事吗

——>> How do I not fuck my kid up more? 这会不会让我的孩子变得更糟

Wendy:That’s the question every decent parent asks every day. 这是每一位合格的父母每天都会反思的问题

——>> Let’s say you take the laissez-faire approach, 如果你不插手

A “laissez [leɪ’se(放任型父母)]-faire [feə] approach” refers to a hands-off or non-interfering approach to managing or governing, where minimal regulations or restrictions are imposed. It often implies allowing individuals or entities to operate freely in the market or pursue their interests with limited government intervention. In a broader sense, it can be applied to various contexts, including economic, political, or managerial situations. (自由放任的态度)

参考释义:“Laissez-faire” 指的是对管理或治理采取不干预或不干涉的方式,只施加最小限度的法规或限制。它通常意味着允许个人或实体在市场中自由运作,或在有限的政府干预下追求他们的利益。在更广泛的意义上,它可以应用于各种情境,包括经济、政治或管理方面。

术语“laissez-faire”起源于法国,是一个法语短语,翻译成英语是“let (people) do (as they choose)”(让(人们)随心所欲)。这个术语产生在18世纪,与经济哲学有关,尤其是在被称为启蒙时代的时期。这个短语通常被归功于法国经济学家,生理学派成员,他们主张在经济事务中减少政府干预。



——>> let the market have its way with Gordie. 让学校按规定处理戈弟

Let someone have one’s way with someone: this expression can have different meanings depending on the context. Generally, it can mean allowing someone to have control or influence over another person, often in a situation where decisions or actions are being determined. (让某人按照自己的方式对待某人)

参考释义:”Let sb have his way with sb” 这个短语的含义取决于上下文。通常情况下,它表示允许某人对另一个人拥有控制或影响力,往往是在决策或行动正在确定的情况下。

——>> He learns there are consequences. 他就会明白做错事要承担后果

——>> Gets suspended, probably expelled. 被停学 甚至被开除

——>> Ends up at a lower-tier prep school 沦落到一个二流预科学校

——>> or New York Military Academy. 或者纽约军校

——>> Goes to Colby instead of Harvard. 最后上了科尔比学院而不是哈佛

Colby College: Colby College is a private liberal arts college located in Waterville, Maine, United States. It was founded in 1813 and has a strong emphasis on the liberal arts tradition, offering a range of undergraduate programs. The college is known for its commitment to academic excellence and a vibrant campus community.

参考释义:科尔比学院是一所位于美国缅因州瓦特维尔的私立文理学院。成立于1813年,学院在文理学传统上有着很强的重视,提供多样化的本科课程。学院以其对学术卓越的承诺和充满活力的校园社区而闻名。Colby College 通常受到高度评价,并在美国顶级文理学院中排名较高(第24位)。它以其强大的学术项目、对文理学的强调以及致力于培养充满活力和参与度的校园社区而闻名。

——>> There’s– There’s no shame in that… 这也不是什么耻辱

——>> I mean, unless for the kid 除非这个孩子

——>> who’s going mini-Winklevoss at 14– it’s what he set his sights on. 在十四岁时把文克莱沃斯兄弟当成榜样 效仿他们

“Winklevoss” refers to the Winklevoss twins, Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss. They are American entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who gained prominence for their involvement in the early development of Facebook. The Winklevoss twins attended Harvard University, where they were involved in rowing and later claimed that Mark Zuckerberg, another Harvard student, stole their idea for a social networking site, which eventually became Facebook. Winklevoss twins gained notable attention due to their involvement in the early history of Facebook and their subsequent ventures in the cryptocurrency space:

Winklevoss (温克尔沃斯兄弟)

  1. Facebook Involvement:
    • Background: The Winklevoss twins were Harvard University students who claimed that Mark Zuckerberg, also a Harvard student at the time, had appropriated their idea for a social networking site.
    • Allegations: They alleged that Zuckerberg agreed to help them build a similar site, but instead, he launched Facebook without their involvement.
    • Legal Battles: The Winklevoss twins filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg, claiming intellectual property theft. The legal disputes were eventually settled, with the twins receiving both cash and Facebook shares as part of the resolution.
  2. Post-Facebook Ventures:
    • Entrepreneurship: Following the legal resolution, the Winklevoss twins pursued various entrepreneurial ventures.
    • Cryptocurrency: They became notable figures in the cryptocurrency space, particularly for their involvement in Bitcoin.
    • Gemini Exchange: Cameron and Tyler co-founded Gemini, a cryptocurrency exchange, in 2014. Gemini has gained recognition for its commitment to regulatory compliance and security in the cryptocurrency industry.
  3. Gemini Cryptocurrency Exchange:
    • Founding: Gemini was established by the Winklevoss twins as a platform for buying, selling, and storing cryptocurrencies.
    • Security Focus: Gemini emphasizes security and regulatory compliance, positioning itself as a trustworthy exchange in the cryptocurrency market.
    • Expansion: Over the years, Gemini has expanded its services and played a role in shaping regulatory discussions within the cryptocurrency industry.

In summary, the Winklevoss twins’ journey involves their early connection to the founding of Facebook, subsequent legal battles, and their emergence as entrepreneurs in the cryptocurrency sector, particularly through the founding of the Gemini exchange. They remain notable figures in both the technology and cryptocurrency communities.

——>> Then it’s crushing. 那就完蛋了

——>> And maybe he blames you for the consequence. 他可能会认为是你造成了这个结果

——>> And that chip on his shoulder 他会怨恨你责备你

——>> turns into a drinking problem by the time he’s 28. 为了排解仇恨 他会在28岁之前酗酒成疾

——>> Or he blames himself, 他也有可能怨恨自己

——>> accepts the consequences, 接受命运的安排

——>> self-worth gets dinged up pretty good–自尊心严重受损(从此一蹶不振)

Something gets dinged up:it is an informal expression that means an object has been slightly damaged or has acquired small dents or scratches. It suggests that the item has experienced minor impacts or wear, resulting in visible imperfections. (某物受损、遭受冲击)

参考释义:”sth gets dinged up” 是一个非正式的表达,意味着一个物体已经被轻微损坏,或者有一些小凹痕或划痕。这表明该物品经历了轻微的撞击或磨损,导致了可见的瑕疵。

Bob:And winds up with a drinking problem by the time he’s 28. 最终在28岁之前酗酒成疾

Wendy:And then there’s you–还有你

——>> can you stay the course– with whatever you decide? 不论你选择哪种方式 你能坚持吗

The phrase “stay the course with something” is an idiomatic expression that means to persist or continue with a particular plan, strategy, or course of action despite challenges, difficulties, or obstacles. It conveys the idea of maintaining commitment and not deviating from the chosen path. (坚持某事的方向)

参考释义:”Stay the course with sth” 是一个惯用语,意味着在面对挑战、困难或障碍时继续执行特定的计划、策略或行动方案。它传达了保持承诺、不偏离选择路径的观念。

——>> Because if you dive in after him only sometimes, 如果你只是时不时心血来潮想要帮他一把

Dive in after someone:it is a literal expression that means to jump into the water to follow someone who has already dived in. Metaphorically, it can also be used to describe taking swift and decisive action to follow or pursue someone or something, especially in challenging or risky situations. (拉某人一把)

参考释义:”dive in after him” 是一个字面上的表达,意味着跳进水中跟随已经跳入水中的人。在比喻上,它也可以用来描述在具有挑战性或风险的情况下迅速采取果断行动去追随或追逐某人或某事。

——>> he won’t know how or when to swim, or breathe, or trust. 他会不知所措 不知道何时信任你

——>> It’s got to be tough love all the way–另一方面 如果你不出手帮他

——>> which could work out great, 结果也可能会很好

——>> he could turn out great–他还是有可能成才

——>> or the interventionist approach forevermore. 你一旦干预 就要做好一直干预的准备

Interventionist approach:it refers to a proactive and hands-on strategy where parents or authorities actively intervene and take direct action in guiding and managing the behavior of teenagers. This approach involves setting clear rules, closely monitoring compliance, and intervening promptly when rules are violated. The goal is to provide structure, guidance, and immediate consequences to shape the teen’s behavior.

参考释义:在青少年纪律方面,”干预主义方法” 指的是一种积极主动且实际操作的策略,父母或有关方积极干预并直接采取行动来引导和管理青少年的行为。该方法包括制定明确的规则,密切监督遵守情况,并在违反规定时迅速进行干预。其目标是通过提供结构、指导和即时的后果来塑造青少年的行为。

  1. Interventionist Approach:
    • Definition: The interventionist approach involves actively and directly intervening in a teen’s behavior. Parents or authorities closely monitor and enforce rules, providing immediate consequences for violations.
    • Characteristics: It emphasizes structure, guidance, and swift consequences to shape and control the teen’s behavior.
    • Goal: The goal is to instill discipline, accountability, and responsibility through active involvement and intervention.
  2. Laissez-Faire Approach:
    • Definition: The laissez-faire approach, rooted in the philosophy of “let it be,” involves a more hands-off and permissive stance. Parents allow teens greater autonomy and freedom to make their own choices.
    • Characteristics: It encourages independence and self-regulation, allowing teens to learn from their own experiences, both successes, and failures.
    • Goal: The goal is to foster autonomy and decision-making skills, often allowing teens to navigate their responsibilities with minimal interference.

In summary, the interventionist approach is characterized by active involvement, rule enforcement, and immediate consequences, aiming to shape behavior through guidance. On the other hand, the laissez-faire approach emphasizes autonomy, independence, and learning through personal experiences, with less direct intervention from parents or authorities. The choice between these approaches depends on the parenting philosophy, the teen’s personality, and the specific circumstances.

Scenario: Managing Curfew

Background: A teenager, let’s call her Emily, has recently started going out with friends more frequently. However, her parents are concerned about her safety and want to establish clear guidelines regarding curfew.

Interventionist Approach:

  • Strategy: Emily’s parents adopt an interventionist approach. They set a specific curfew time for her to return home, closely monitoring her activities.
  • Action: Emily is required to check in with her parents at predetermined intervals, and they actively enforce consequences if she exceeds the curfew without a valid reason.
  • Result: This approach aims to instill a sense of responsibility and accountability in Emily by providing clear rules, active monitoring, and immediate consequences for non-compliance.

Laissez-Faire Approach:

  • Strategy: Alternatively, Emily’s parents could take a laissez-faire approach. They might discuss the importance of responsible behavior and safety with Emily but allow her more autonomy in managing her curfew.
  • Action: Emily is trusted to make responsible decisions regarding her curfew without constant check-ins. The consequences, whether positive or negative, are allowed to unfold more naturally.
  • Result: This approach aims to foster independence and decision-making skills in Emily, allowing her to learn from her experiences and choices.

Both approaches seek to address the issue of managing curfew, but the interventionist approach involves more active oversight and immediate consequences, while the laissez-faire approach provides more autonomy to the teenager with consequences evolving more organically. The choice between these approaches depends on the parenting style, the teenager’s maturity level, and the level of trust established between parents and teen.

Bob:So the question is, 所以关键在于

——>> do I have the stomach to let him dangle [‘dæŋɡl (挂着;摇晃;悬垂;追求)]? 我敢不敢拿我儿子的人生冒险

Have the stomach to do something:it is an idiomatic expression that means to possess the courage, determination, or ability to do a particular task or face a challenging situation. It implies the mental or emotional fortitude needed to confront something difficult or unpleasant. (有胆量做某事)

参考释义:”Have the stomach to do sth” 是一个惯用语,意味着具备勇气、决心或能力去完成特定的任务或面对具有挑战性的情境。它暗示了在面对困难或令人不悦的事物时所需的心理或情感坚韧。

Clip03:Bob and Wendy (Billions S03E08 39:40)

Chuck:Judge. Wonderful to see you. 法官 很高兴见到你

Judge:Last time I was here… pretty momentous. 我上次来这儿时 是紧急关头

Momentous:it is an adjective that describes something of great importance, significance, or consequence. It is often used to characterize events, decisions, or actions that have a profound and lasting impact. (”重大” ,用于描述具有重要性、意义或影响的事物。通常用来表达对事件、决定或行动的深远和持久影响。)

Chuck:I thought we were never to talk of it. 我以为我们永远不会提那个了

Judge:We’re gonna talk about everything. 我们都得谈谈

Chuck:Where are we starting? 从何说起

Judge:With bracing honesty.  开诚布公吧

Talk about something with bracing honesty:it means discussing a topic or subject with refreshing and invigorating candor or sincerity. It implies being open, direct, and truthful in communication, even if the conversation involves difficult or sensitive matters. (以“开诚布公”和“知无不言、言无不尽”的态度谈论某事)

参考释义:”Talk about sth with bracing honesty” 意味着以令人振奋和激励的坦率或真诚来讨论一个话题或主题。这暗示着在沟通中保持开放、直接和真实,即使谈话涉及到困难或敏感的问题。

——>> Because with all that’s passed between us. 在共同经历了那么多之后

——>> I see no reason to beat about the bush. 我觉得没必要绕弯子

Chuck:Begin. 开始吧

Judge:Right here, in this house, 就在此地 这间房子里

——>> you put me on a path that leads to the Supreme Court. 你让我走上了通向最高法院的路

The expression “put someone on the path” typically means to guide or direct someone toward a particular course of action, goal, or development. It implies providing assistance or support that helps an individual embark on a journey or pursue a specific direction in their life.

参考释义:”Put someone one a path” 通常意味着引导或指导某人朝着特定的行动、目标或发展方向前进。它暗示着提供帮助或支持,帮助个人踏上一段旅程或追求生活中的特定方向。

Chuck:Well, it’s not exactly a straight and easy one. 那可不是条笔直平坦的路

——>> There’s turns and twists 道路曲折

——>> and highwaymen hiding in the bushes who might jump you at any time. 并且时刻都可能有人拦路打劫

Highwayman:this term historically refers to a robber or bandit who operated on highways or main roads, often targeting travelers for robbery. These individuals were known for their highway robberies, typically conducted in secluded or remote areas.(强盗、劫匪)

参考释义:”Highwayman” 在历史上指的是在高速公路或主要道路上行事的强盗或土匪,通常以抢劫旅行者为目标。这些人以在偏僻或偏远地区进行的高速公路抢劫而闻名。

Judge:I agree. The path is treacherous. Which is why I need you to guide me. 我同意 道路崎岖坎坷 这也是我需要你来指引的原因

Chuck:As I have and will continue to do. 我将一如既往地这么做

Judge:From your current perch, yes. 以你目前的职位来说没问题

Perch:A place where a person or thing is situated or settled, often in a high or elevated position. (高位)

——>> But if you leave office, to go after another, 但如果你离职就任其他职位

——>> my flank is unprotected. 我就失去保护了

Leave one’s flank unprotected:it is a military metaphor that means to leave oneself vulnerable to attack or danger, especially by not adequately defending one’s sides or flanks. In a broader sense, it can also be used figuratively to describe leaving oneself exposed or unprotected in various situations. (暴露自己的侧翼)

参考释义:”Leave one’s flank unprotected” 是一个军事隐喻,意味着让自己容易受到攻击或危险,特别是通过未能充分保卫自己的侧面或侧翼。在更广泛的意义上,它也可以比喻性地描述在各种情况下让自己暴露或不受保护。

Chuck:I will give you all the support and assistance you need from Albany. 我在奥尔巴尼 会提供你所需要的一切支援

Judge:Not good enough, I’m afraid. 我恐怕那不够好

Chuck:I see. 我懂了

Judge:I’m here to ask you to honor your promise to me: 我来这里要求你践行你给我的承诺

——>> that there was no favor you’d refuse. 那个你对我有求必应的承诺

Chuck:Well, you will have to state the favor, directly. 你得把要求说直接点

Judge:I need you to stay U. S. Attorney. 我要你继续担任检察官

Chuck:I’ve set my sights on governor. I have bled for this caper. 我早就决定要竞选州长 我为这次转业付出了很大代价

Caper:A lively jump or dance. (雀跃 喻职位的升迁)

——>> There must be another way to help you get over. 肯定有其它帮助你的办法

Judge:There isn’t. 没有其它办法

——>> If you’re gone, AG Jeffcoat will appoint someone new, 要是你不在 杰夫科特检察长会任命新人

——>> someone who won’t give a shit about me. 他可能对我不屑一顾

——>> Or the kinds of cases I need. 或者不给我需要的案子

——>> Or worse, back another judge and bury me in garbage. 或者更糟 支持其它法官然后给我一堆垃圾

The phrase “bury someone in garbage” is a figurative expression used to describe overwhelming someone with a large amount of unimportant or irrelevant information, often making it difficult for them to find or focus on what is truly essential. It can also convey the idea of burdening someone with excessive details or irrelevant matters.

参考释义:”Bury someone in garbage” 是一个比喻的表达,用来描述用大量不重要或无关紧要的信息淹没某人,通常使他们难以找到或专注于真正重要的事物。它还可以传达给某人负担过多的细节或无关紧要的事项的概念。

——>> I can’t let you go. 我不能让你走

Chuck:I understand it isn’t convenient for you, 我明白这对你不太方便

——>> but it wasn’t convenient for me to help you either… 但我帮你的时候也不方便

——>> The shit I have done to position myself for this… 我为了竞选做了那么多

Judge:Among those things: your oath to me. 想想你给我的誓言

Chuck:I’m gonna need the night before I can give you an answer. 我考虑一晚上再给你答复

Judge:I imagine you do. 我猜到了

——>> Each time I’m here, I’m more and more impressed  我每次到这里都被你家庭的温暖

——>> with the warmth of your home 以及你构筑的生活

——>> and the life you’ve built. 所震撼

——>> It speaks to your character. 它表明了你的品格

Wendy:You are considering it. 你在考虑这个

Chuck:It seemed the least that I could do. 这是我最起码可以做到的事

——>> But I’m gonna tell him no. 但我会拒绝他的

——>> I mean, I’ve committed– I’ve committed too much thought and energy to this governor thing. 我为州长的事情 投入了太多心血

Wendy:What about passion? Excitement. What about fire? 那你的热情呢 激情和火花呢

——>> I see those things on your face 你在南区工作时

——>> every day you go to work at Southern. 我每天都能在你脸上看到这些

——>> I always have. It’s one of the things I love about you. 我总能看到 这是我爱你的其中一点

——>> No matter how difficult the situation, 无论处境多么艰辛

——>> how fucked it seems you are, you relish the fight. 无论你看上去多么狼狈 你享受战斗

Relish:it means to take great pleasure, delight, or enjoyment in something. It implies a strong sense of enjoyment, enthusiasm, or appreciation for a particular activity, experience, or aspect of life. (在某事物中感到极大的愉悦、喜爱或享受。它暗示着对某项活动、经历或生活某个方面的强烈愉悦、热情或欣赏。)

“Relish” vs “Savor” vs “revel”:In summary, while both “relish” and “savor” involve deriving pleasure from an experience, “relish” may have a broader sense of enjoyment or delight in various aspects of life, while “savor” specifically emphasizes the conscious and appreciative enjoyment of flavors or experiences,whereas “revel” specifically emphasizes joy and celebration in a lively and festive manner.

——>> As long as there’s any game left, you play it ’til the very end. Full out只要还有战役 你就会战斗到底 倾尽全力

The phrase “full out” is an informal expression that means giving maximum effort or doing something with complete intensity, energy, or enthusiasm. It is often used to describe performing a task, activity, or action with full commitment and dedication. (全力以赴)

参考释义:”Full out” 是一个非正式的表达,意味着付出最大的努力,或者以完全的强度、能量或热情去做某事。通常用来描述全身心投入、全情投入地完成任务、活动或行动。

Chuck:Why wouldn’t that be the case with the governorship? 为什么州长就不一样了

Wendy:Politics is a different kind of fight. 政治是另一种战斗

——>> It’s about consensus building and concession granting  核心是达成共识和妥协成全

“Concession granting” refers to the act of giving or conceding certain rights, privileges, or advantages to another party. It involves making allowances or compromises to reach an agreement or resolve a dispute. The term is often used in the context of negotiations, contracts, or diplomatic discussions where one party willingly agrees to yield or grant something to the other. (让步授予)

参考释义:”Concession granting” 指的是向另一方提供或让渡某些权利、特权或优势的行为。它涉及做出让步或妥协,以达成协议或解决争端。这个术语通常用于谈判、合同或外交讨论的背景,其中一方愿意同意向另一方让渡或授予某些内容。

——>> and hand-wringing and ass kissing. 以及居安思危和阿谀奉承

Hand-wringing:a way of expressing that you’re very worried or nervous. (揪心和焦郁)

——>> But in your job now, you are a king. 但你在目前的工作里就是王

——>> You engage the battles you choose. In the manner you choose. 你以自己选择的方式 加入你自己选择的战斗

——>> You decide what’s right and what’s wrong.  你来划定对错

——>> With no one to appease. 不需要仰任何人鼻息

“Appease” is a verb that means to pacify, soothe, or calm someone’s feelings, especially by making concessions or satisfying their demands. It involves taking actions to prevent or reduce someone’s anger, dissatisfaction, or opposition. (安抚)

参考释义:”Appease” 是一个动词,意味着平息、安慰或平静某人的情感,尤其是通过让步或满足他们的要求。它涉及采取行动防止或减轻某人的愤怒、不满或反对。

Chuck:Well, you’re forgetting Jock Jeffcoat. 你忘了乔克·杰夫科特

Wendy:He’s a more powerful king, for the moment. 他是权力更大的王 目前来说

——>> You’ve deposed his kind before. 你干掉过他这种人

Depose someone:to get rid of or dismiss someone; to manage or handle someone in a particular way. (摆脱、去除、处理掉某人)

——>> Look what you just did to Jack Foley. And can do again. 看看你怎么对付杰克·富利 你还能做到的

——>> You don’t want to be in politics, you want to be beyond politics. 你不想投身政治 你想要超越政治

——>> I am all in for you, Chuck. 我全心全意支持你 查克

——>> But I can’t turn off the part of me that does the job I do. 但我无法舍弃从事我的工作的那部分自我

——>> And looking at you, I see someone 看看你 我看到了一个

——>> who knows that one of those things 知道什么事才能

——>> makes them feel truly alive. 让他感觉真正活着的人

——>> And that the other is gonna feel like an obligation. 做其它的事情都会感觉像个负担

Priscilla chan(扎克伯格老婆陈慧娴)


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