

明喻用另外的事物来对比要修辞的事物,表示两者之间共性及相似关系,这种共性存在于人们的心里,而且能被明显地观察或感知出来。明喻的标志词常用:like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等。

As ifSusan suddenly had an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach as if she was watching an accident in slow motion. She knew it would happen, but was powerless to stop it.

As…asChange in behavior is one of the warning signs, and you have been as fresh as paint for the last six months. That certainly would explain why you’re always locked in the bathroom.

LikeSometimes we even kiss the people who’re just our friends, kind of like a high five on the lips, right?­

Tell me to plan ahead is like telling me to sprout wings? (DH S01E12 )



E.G.1:(Rex said to Bree in S01E02) I want a divorcee. I just can’t live in this, this detergent commercial anymore. (将Fake happy marriage比作是:Detergent commercial)

E.G.2:Had I look close, I’d have seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman desperately in search of a life raft. (将Gaby的纠结于那种孤单无聊的状态比作是淹水后疯狂寻求救生筏的女人)

E.G.3:Exploring options is the whole point of being separated. –Options! I’m not a mutual fund, Rex. (将允许男人在尚未离婚时与别的女人有染的妻子比作是共享基金,所谓的共享基金指的团体内任何人都有权利支配的资产。)

E.G.4:Look at this bone structure. This face is a cash cow. And if you don’t have the vision to take advantage of that, then maybe I’m at the wrong agency.

E.G.5:Jerry: Ah, but you lucked out, Scavo Darlene talked him into cutting 嗯,但你没事,斯卡沃达琳跟他说

——>> the people who have kids in day care loose. 那些白天照看小孩的人可以回家

Lynette: Hey, great. let’s go before he changes his mind. 嘿,很好 我们快走,免得他改变主意

Jerry: But that doesn’t include you, miss senior V. P. 但你例外,副总裁女士

——>> Ed wants you in the conference room now. 艾德要你现在就去会议室
Lynette: You’re kidding开玩笑吧!

Jerry: You’re his security blanket, Lynette. He stays, you stay. 你是他的保险毯,勒奈特 他不走,你也不能走


Bree: Because when it comes to sex, 因为当发展到性时

——>> I have an unwavering moral compass. 我有坚定的道德界限

——>> truly. a man could beg and plead all day long, 真的,一个男人整日哀求

——>> and it wouldn’t make any difference. 我也不为所动

——>> so since I have such strong self-control, 我有如此强的自控力

——>> there’s really no reason for us to end our friendship. 没有理由结束我们的友谊

Claude: The guy’s a ticking bomb. 这家伙是定时炸弹

E.G.6:This case is not a slam dunk. Her drinking was supposed to be our silver bullet, but since she joined A.A…. – We’ve gotta do something,

E.G.7:See, I uh-recently engaged in some extra-curricular activity, and now Bree’s doing anything she can to make me suffer.





E.G.4:You need to get there early, spend a little time with Mike before the little barracuda gets there. (DH S01E)
注:作者利用”Barracude(梭鱼)” 的嗜食和掠夺性与“predatory woman” 之间的相似性换起人们的联想。故以“barracuda”代替“predatory woman”。

E.G.2:(Narrator Said in S01E02) She saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst.(将Mike比作成一汪能解渴的水)【借喻】


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