看美剧学高频短语:Give sb the runaround

Give sb the runaround:it means to intentionally avoid dealing with someone’s request or inquiry by giving vague or evasive responses, often leading the person to feel frustrated or misled. (敷衍某人、跟某人逗圈子、打马虎眼、闪烁其词,近义表达:dodge the question, being evasive)

看美剧学高频短语:Give someone the runaround

中文释义:“Give sb the runaround” 意味着故意回避某人的请求或查询,通过给出模糊或闪烁其词的回应来回避,通常会让人感到沮丧或被误导。

以下是“Give sb the runaround”在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:I need to look someone up in your archives. It’s a client, and he’s, uh, a bit of a smooth talker. Just want to make sure that he’s not giving me the runaround. (DH S05E17 04:44)

E.G.2:They gave him the runaround, so he just snapped. He lost his temper. And attacked someone at the bank. (Lie to me S03E01 28:23)

E.G.3:3 years ago, you made a mistake. And then when I came in here to try to talk to you, just to try to straighten it out, I was treated like a second-class citizen. I was given the runaround. (Lie to me S03E01 35:32)

E.G.4:When is he supposed to arrive? — 10:00 A.M. tomorrow, but I think I’m getting the runaround. (The Good Wife S04E11 09:31)
参考翻译:他应该什么时候到达?– 明天上午十点,但我觉得他在跟我逗圈子。


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