看美剧学高频短语:Throw sb off the scent

Throw/steer sb  off the scent:to manage to get rid of somebody that is making you suffer, annoying you, etc. (设法让某人远离和摆脱某种不利的书面)

看美剧学高频短语:Throw sb off the scent

以下是高频短语“Threw sb off the scent”在美剧片断中的情景例句:

E.G.1:My son doesn’t want to move. He can be pretty insistent. Well, I can throw her off the scent for a while.  (DH S01E21  14:09)

E.G.2:Well, congratulations to you. Scary guy’s coming over. I have to throw him off the scent. (DH S05E11 18:24)

E.G.3:Maybe you’re the real quarry and he’s only hunting me to throw you off the scent. (DA S05E02 09:22)

E.G.4:Listen, with all the heat here in New York, I’m thinking of catching a train down to Miami. — You can stick around a little longer. I managed to steer Peter off the scent. (White Collar S05E02)


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