
Polynesian [.pɔlɪ’ni:zɪən] culture refers to the collective cultural traditions, practices, beliefs, and customs of the indigenous peoples of the Polynesian islands in the Pacific Ocean. Polynesia is a region comprised of over 1,000 islands spread across the central and southern Pacific, including countries and territories like Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, and New Zealand.

Polynesian culture center

Key aspects of Polynesian culture include:

Oral Traditions: Polynesian cultures have a rich tradition of oral storytelling, where myths, legends, histories, and genealogies are passed down orally from one generation to the next. These stories often contain moral lessons and explanations for natural phenomena.

Art and Craftsmanship: Polynesians are renowned for their artistic skills, including wood carving, weaving, tattooing, and traditional navigation. Intricately carved wooden sculptures, woven textiles, and tapa cloth are examples of Polynesian artistic expressions.

Music and Dance: Music and dance play a central role in Polynesian culture, often accompanied by rhythmic drumming, chanting, and traditional instruments like the ukulele and nose flute. Hula in Hawaii, Siva in Samoa, and Haka in New Zealand are iconic Polynesian dance forms.

Navigational Techniques: Polynesians were skilled navigators who traversed vast stretches of ocean using celestial navigation, wave patterns, and knowledge of stars and currents. Their voyaging canoes, such as the double-hulled waka in New Zealand and the outrigger canoe in other parts of Polynesia, were marvels of maritime technology.

Community and Social Structure: Polynesian societies are often characterized by strong communal bonds and hierarchical social structures. Concepts of family, respect for elders, and communal decision-making are integral to Polynesian social life.

Spirituality and Religion: Polynesian belief systems are deeply rooted in animism and ancestor worship, with a strong connection to the natural world. Gods and spirits are believed to inhabit natural elements like mountains, forests, and the ocean, and rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor them.

Overall, Polynesian culture is diverse yet interconnected, with shared values of hospitality, reciprocity, and reverence for nature prevailing across the region.

Disney's Moana - How Far I'll Go - Official "In Real Life" music video from the movie










Moana’s singer is super cute and her voice is absoulutly incredible sounds just like Auli’i super talented. The energy’s amazing you can hear she had a blast making the music video and the acting is perfect she should be in a Disney movie❤❤❤ I saw the audition video and she was easily the right choice. If somebody told me the Moana voice and character was based off of her, I wouldn’t even question it.


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