Mike:Wire transfer from your account to Joanna Webster’s, 这是从您的账户电汇给乔安娜·韦伯斯特的凭据

——>> phone records with Joanna Webster 这是在听证会作证前

——>> prior to her testimony, 您与乔安娜·韦伯斯特的通话记录

——>> and an affidavit stating you paid 这是关于你付钱给韦伯斯特女士

——>> Ms. Webster to falsely testify. 作伪证的书面陈述

——>> Mr. Hunt, harassment is a civil violation. 亨特先生 性骚扰还属于民事案件范畴

——>> The penalty is money. 罚的是钱而已

——>> But witness tampering, that’s a crime, 但是证人干扰可是重罪

——>> and you will go to prison, 是要坐牢的

——>> where I guarantee you’ll learn 我保证你在牢里

——>> more about unwanted sexual advances会体会到远比办公室性骚扰

——>> than you can possibly imagine. 更加难以接受的事情

HuntDo you think this is going to intimidate me? 你觉得这样就能吓到我吗

——>> Even if this evidence was credible, 就算这些证据属实

——>> who are you going to get to prosecute 你又打算去找谁

——>> a small-time witness tampering charge, huh? 来上诉一起区区的证人干扰案呢

Mike:Harvey, didn’t you graduate law school 哈维 你不是和现任纽约市检察官

——>> with the current U. S. Attorney in New York? 一起从法学院毕业的吗

HarveyIn fact, I did. 没错

——>> And I think he might even be interested 而且我觉得 他对这类案件的追踪

——>> in pursuing a case like this. 甚至更加感兴趣

Mike:Wait, are you two still close? 等等 你们的关系还很铁吗

HarveyWell, I was the best man at his wedding. 当然 他结婚时我还做了伴郎

HuntNo, you weren’t. 不 你撒谎

——>> You’re bluffing. 你在虚张声势

HarveyNo. 不

——>> I think I’ve got some pictures…我好像还有一些…

——>> Of us at the ceremony. 结婚典礼上的照片

——>> Let’s see. 我看看

——>> Yeah. Here we are. 对 找到了

——>> You must admit, I look very dashing. 不得不说 我看起来真帅

——>> This is me and his mother. 这是我和他老妈

——>> The woman adores me. 那女人很喜欢我

——>> Here we are at his bachelor party. 这是我们在他的单身派对上拍的

——>> There’s no strippers. It was lame. 没有脱衣舞娘 太没劲了

——>> But he can’t put guys like you away for sexual harassment 他可不能因为性骚扰案将你送进监狱

——>> and then go to strip clubs, now, can he?  然后去脱衣舞夜总会,是吧?

HuntAll right. What do you want? 好吧 你想要什么

Mike:An admission of guilt 对罪行供认不讳

——>> and a guarantee that you’ll obtain treatment before working again. 并保证回去工作前先接受治疗

——>> And Nancy gets reinstated with back pay. 让南希复职并补发工资

HuntFine. 好

Mike:And a raise. 还要加薪

Hunt’s attorneyOkay. All right. 好 行了

——>> Are we done? 没其它事了吧

HarveyThe kid should be able to grow up without the burden  应该让孩子在没有学费负担的情况下

——>> of tuition hanging over his head, don’t you think?  健康成长 你觉得呢

Mike:Which is why you’re also gonna pay Nancy 也就是说你还得付给南希

——>> an extra $250, 000. 25万美元学费

Hunt’s attorneyCharles. 查尔斯

——>> Gentlemen. 失陪了


——>> Thank you for everything.  谢谢你所做的一切


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