看金装律师学高频商务短语:On top of sth
On top of sth:The phrase “on top of something” is an idiom that means to be in control of a situation or to have a good understanding of it. It can also mean to be in addition to something else or to be physically on top of something.
中文释义:短语“on top of something”是一个习语,意思是掌握某种情况或对其有很好的理解。它也可以意味着除“某事物之外,还有其他东西”或者“物理位于某物之上”。
以下是商务短语“On top of sth”在美剧《金装律师》中的情景例句:
E.G.1:And what if I told you: I don’t practice law to make money? Then I’d ask you, what do you practice it for? To bend people to my will. Then bend people to your will for me and make a lot of money on top of it. (Suits S04E16 08:28)
参考翻译:如果我告诉你:我从事法律工作不是为了赚钱,那我会问你,你从事法律工作是为了什么?为了让人们服从于我的意志。那就替我让人们服从于你的意志,同时赚很多钱。E.G.2:I am on top of it, Louis. Well, it doesn’t look like you’re on top of it. It looks like you’re drinking a goddamn cup of coffee. (Suits S06E05 12:00)
参考翻译:我已经在处理了,路易斯。看起来你不像是在处理,看起来你在喝一杯该死的咖啡。E.G.3:I don’t think you’re likely to come out on top of this whole thing. What the hell do you think you’re doing? (Suits S06E05 22:47)
参考翻译:我认为你不太可能在整个事情中获胜。你到底在干什么?E.G.4:The loan I got expires in one week. On top of that, a medallion costs 300,000 this go-round. (Suits S01E05 20:46)
以下是几个商务语境下的例子,包含”on top of sth”的不同释义:
E.G.1:”As the project manager, it’s important that you stay on top of the timeline and ensure that the team is meeting deadlines.”
参考翻译:”作为项目经理,重要的是要掌握进度表,确保团队遵守期限。” (这里的”on top of”表示掌控和了解进度,以确保项目按计划进行并满足期限。)
E.G.2:”Our company is already ahead of the competition in terms of technology, but we need to stay on top of new developments in order to maintain our lead.”
参考翻译:”我们公司在技术方面已经领先竞争对手,但我们需要跟上最新的发展,以保持领先地位。”这里的”on top of”表示跟上、紧跟和了解最新的发展,以保持领先地位。
E.G.3:”We need to get on top of this issue before it becomes a major problem for the company.”
参考翻译:”在这个问题变成公司的主要问题之前,我们需要及时解决和控制它。” 这里的”on top of”表示及时解决和控制,以防止问题扩大对公司造成影响。
E.G.4:”Our sales team is on top of their game this quarter, exceeding our targets and bringing in new clients.”
参考翻译:“这个季度我们的销售团队表现出色,超过了我们的目标,并吸引了新客户。” 这里的”on top of”表示表现出色和掌控,意味着销售团队在这个季度非常成功,超过了目标并吸引了新客户。
关于高频短语”on top of sth”更多释义示例:
成功或赢得比赛或竞争:例如,“The team was on top of their game and won the championship.”(团队表现出色,赢得了冠军)。
继续追求或完成某事:例如,“I’m on top of this project and should have it done by Friday.”(我在着手处理这个项目,应该在星期五之前完成)。
保持联系或跟踪某事:例如,“I need to stay on top of my emails.”(我需要跟上我的电子邮件)。
对某事有全面的掌握或了解:例如,“He’s really on top of his game.”(他真的掌握了自己的本领)。
除某事之外:Then bend people to your will for me and make a lot of money on top of it. (那就替我让人们服从于你的意志,同时赚很多钱。)
基于某事之上:The company’s success was built on top of years of hard work and dedication.(公司的成功是建立在多年的努力和奉献之上的。)