




E.G.1:Women only have five seconds to be young and beautiful, and then it’s gone. And then before you know it,we’re old and fat and married and wondering where our beauty went. (DH S05E01 26:35)【时空夸张】

E.G.2:If you lay one finger on ana, Carlos will knock every tooth out of your mouth, which will make you pretty darn popular in prison. (DH S06E04 23:57)【情感夸张】

E.G.3:There you are. Your son’s been waiting for million years to go trick-or-treating. (DH S07E06 22:17)【时空夸张】

E.G.4:If it gets out, her husband’s gonna kill me. On the upside, your social status at school is going to explode when people find out you’re doing a hot housewife. (DH S01E09 18:46)【调侃自嘲】

E.G.5:Because behind that badge and that just big, you-could-crush-me-like-a-fly chest, there’s a heart. (DH S01E21 36:15)【物象夸张】

E.G.6:Hey, I thought the meeting wasn’t until 1. — Well, I have a thousand things to do before that. (DH S02E01 07:24)【物象夸张】

E.G.7:Every time I see those big doe eyes of hers, I swear to god I just want to go out and shoot a deer. She is out there throwing herself at Mike Delfino, again.(DH S01E04 07:56)【物象夸张】

E.G.8:It doesn’t work if you don’t bat your eyes. — I batted everything that wasn’t nailed down. 你得抛媚眼 不然没用。– 能抛得动的我都抛了 我跟你说:没用!(DH S01E05 19:45)【幽默自嘲】

E.G.9:Look, what I’m trying to say is he must seem really safe after me. A moray eel would seem safe after you.(DH S01E11 39:15)【调侃自嘲】

E.G.10:I hated Martha. She was a wretched pig of a woman, the day she died, this world became a better place.  (DH S01E11 03:22)【情感夸张】

E.G.11:He’s got flowers.  — I don’t care! — Looks like it’s two dozen roses. — Good. I hope the thorns rip him to shreds. (DH S03E20 07:32)【情感夸张】

E.G.12:The walls between our bedrooms are paper thin. I hear more stuff than I probably should. (DH S01E15 11:48)【物象夸张】
[11:52.86]Look, mom, I love you a lot,
[11:56.13]But you really are the last person ever
[11:58.50]to give anyone advice about sex and happiness.

E.G.13:How do you get your hydrangeas to look so stunning? I’m systematically slaughtering my own garden. (DH S02E07 31:09)【调侃自嘲】

Gaby: (Sighs) No, no, Xiao-Mei, I’ve told you a million times. No red meat for Mr. Solis. 不,不,小梅,我告诉你很多次了 不要给索利斯先生吃牛羊肉

Carlos: My triglycerides are through the roof. 我的脂肪含量窜到天际了

参考翻译:我有送来鲜花哦。– 我才不在乎!– 看起来是有两打玫瑰。– 很好,我希望这些玫瑰将他刺得体无完肤。





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