看美剧学实用短语(中高级):Connect the dots
Connect the dots:To understand something by piecing together hints or other bits of information. (字面意思:把所有的点连接起来;在口语里经常会引申为:用现有的碎片化信息和线索把事物串联起来,从而得到一个结论、明白一个事理、发现事物之间的内在联系等),这个短语有一个意思非常相近的高频短语:Put sth together.
以下是实用短语“Connect the dots”情景例句:
What happens Friday night? 周五晚上会怎么样
The investigators are gonna ask you and Neal to tell them everything you can without revealing the source. 调查员将询问你和尼尔你们得在不暴露线人的前提下回答所有问题
If they can connect the dots without the identity of the source, great. 如果他们无需知晓线人身份就能搞清楚事件全貌,那就好
If they can’t? 要是他们不能呢
I don’t know a district court judge who’s ever let a reporter 我还从来没听说过有哪位法官
keep his source when national security was involved. 在涉及国家安全问题上,允许记者保密线人身份
And who decides if national security is involved? 那由谁来决定此事是否涉及国家安全
Do you think it was Remy? 你觉得是雷米吗
Highly doubtful. I made it clear what we knew. 不太可能 我让他知道我们知道了
He knows you have proof? 他知道你有证据吗
He knows that I know. Not that I have proof. 他知道我知道 不知道我有证据
Maybe we shouldn’t have played that card yet. 或许我们还不该把那张牌打出去
Remy was connecting the dots. 雷米把事情都串起来了
I needed to put the brakes on him. 我必须让他打住
D-Dear Lord! 苍天啊
Have you been drinking it? 你喝过吗
Yes. It’s my water. 肯定啊 都说了是我的水了
Well, that’s it then. 那完蛋了
I’m dead. 我死翘翘了
Here we go… 又来了
I’m sorry, do I really need to connect the dots for you? 不好意思 但非得让我把话挑明了吗
The backwash into this glass is every pathogen that calls your mouth home, sweet home. 流回到这个杯子里的是一大堆把你的嘴巴当作温馨居所的病原体!