看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Hang in there
Hang in there:This is an expression of encouragement to persist or stay calm in a challenging situation. It’s said as a way of telling someone to not give up, despite difficulties.If you tell someone to hang in there or to hang on in there, you encourage them to continue with something even if it is difficult.

中文释义:当你偶尔水逆喝凉水塞牙缝,或者在生活中遇到了挫折困难时,你可能会找身边的朋友寻求鼓励与帮助,这个时候,你的歪果朋友可能会元气满满地对你说“Hang in there”而不是“Fighting”。因为不论从“Fighting”本身,还是同义词,甚至是反义词的角度分析,“Fighting”都丝毫没有“加油”的意思。另外“Hang in there”和“挂起来”并没有什么关系。这句话的意思是鼓励那些正面临困境的人:Keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult(即便困难再大,挑战再大,也要坚持并且保持冷静,不能放弃),有时歪果仁也会说成“Hang on in there.”
