看绝望的主妇学高频短语:On hold
On hold: Temporarily not being dealt with or pursued,in the state of being delayed for a time (推迟,搁置,暂时停止,和on pause意思一致)。1. Into a state of temporary interruption without severing a telephone connection: put me on hold for 10 minutes ; 2. Into a state of delay or indeterminate suspension: had to put our entire lives on hold.

中文释义:我们打电话有时会让对方拿着电话等一等, 这时我们会说,”Sorry I have to put you on hold” (“对不起,请你在电话上等一下”),On hold在别的场合也有推迟的意思。比如根据北韩同美国达成的协议,北韩必须在60天内关闭平壤附近的一个核反应堆。但是有报道说, 关闭日期推迟了,”The shutdown is on hold,” 因为北韩提出美国必须首先解冻北韩的海外帐户。另外有一个和on hold十分相像的短语“Hold on!”或者“Hold on a second. 意思是让人稍等一下,一般是等待时间较短时可用。
