看绝望的主妇学高频短语: In the clear
In the clear: Free from burdens or dangers; no longer in danger or suspected of something; or no longer likely to be blamed, punished; Not subject to suspicion or accusations of guilt, to be innocent; not to be guilty; Deemed innocent or able to avoid blame for some crime or misdeed; not guilty of a crime, or not involved in doing something bad.

中文释义:当一个人摆脱嫌疑的时候,就可以用“in the clear”来形容,表示清白无罪,不被怀疑,不用负责任的。例如:It seems that the original suspect is in the clear. (好像原先的嫌疑犯已被认定无罪。)另外,“in the clear”也可以表示债务偿还清楚,例如:You’ll be in the clear after you get paid.(你领到钱后就可偿清债务了。)“in the clear”还可以表示两个人恋情结束后,好聚好散,两清了。 e.g. In the clear yet. Good.(很好,我们俩之间谁也不欠谁了。)
