看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Get through
Get through: Get sth done by crossing barriers. (穿越障碍完成某事)
1、Finish a task completely 完成(任务、工作等)
E.G.1:I’m the new head Laker girl, mom. It was a disaster. I was the worst one there. I couldn’t even get through my routine.
E.G.2:Sure. Yeah. As soon as I get through with this job, we’ll make an appointment with that detective. Copeland. (DH S01E23 12:03)
2、Spend or pass, as with boredom or in a pleasant manner 度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间)
E.G.1:Can we get through one holiday without you saying something ridiculous? (TBBT S07E22 08:55)
E.G.2:What are we all doing? — Trying to get through life as best we can. (DA S06E04)
E.G.3:Do modern day singles need modern day myths…just to help us get through our random and sometimes miserable relationships?
3、Succeed in reaching a real or abstract destination after overcoming problems 通过(考试、审查、物体等)
E.G.1:Excuse me, how did you get through? — Oh, please. I once got through the Berlin wall. You think two kids with walkie-talkies can stop me?
4、be in or establish communication with sb 用电话与某人联系上
E.G.1:Tanya, let me try your phone. I’m having the same issues.– Can you get through to the office? — No, Governor, I can’t. (HOC S05E02)
5、Become clear or enter one’s consciousness or emotions (使某人明白…;说服某人)
E.G.1:If we can’t get through to Andrew, we need someone who can. (DH S01E17 07:22)
E.G.2:You wanna just keep raising your voice ’cause that’s how you get what you want, right? You make a scene, you throw a tantrum, and everyone gets scared and backs off. Well, I don’t work that way, lady. I don’t care that my husband was so phenomenally[fə’nɒmɪnəli] stupid and/or drunk to actually have sex with you. I’m not gonna let it ruin my life. Am I talking loud enough for that to get through to you? (DH S02E24 21:22)

中文释义: E.G.1 How did you get through security with this?你是怎么带着这个通过安检的?
[Sb] get through [sth1] with [sth2]. 某人带着某物通过某障碍
E.G.2 I couldn’t get through to him.
a. 打电话:对方没接,我没找到他。(我没有成功联系上他)
b. 说服别人:我没法说服他。(两个脑子互相不通,我的想法不能通到他那里)
c. 教学别人:我给他讲不明白