看绝望的主妇学英语高频短语:Come across
Come across:1、If you come across something or someone, you find them or meet them by chance. (偶遇、遭遇、邂逅);2、to behave in a way that makes people believe that you have a particular characteristic(给人以某种印象)

中文释义:Come across这个短语的使用场景主要包含两个:1、在行走或者在做某件事情的时候碰巧遇见某人或发现某个事物;2、某种行为展现出的特质让别人认为你怎么样,或者让你在别人面前显得怎么样。这种情况下,一般在”Come across”后面接as(用法参照例3、例4)。

Mike:What happened here? 怎么回事?
Susan:I came across Julie’s journal. 刚才碰巧翻到Julie的日记
Mike:Okay. 然后…
Susan:She never says his name. 她从没提过他的名字
Mike:Whose name? 谁的名字?
Susan:The married man she’s been seeing. 和她约会的已婚男
——>> She doesn’t use his name. 她不写他的名字
——>> She just uses the initial–“D.” 只用”D”来代替
——>> Why would she use a code in her own journal? 为什么她写日记还要用暗号?
Mike:Oh,because she’s afraid her mom might come across it? 噢,也许是担心她妈会碰巧看到吧