看美剧学实用短语:Blow sth on sb
Blow sth on somebody:money or other assets (often goes down the drain or considered as waste) that is paid in exchange for someone’s services or loyalty, etc. 【让某种投资(如情感、资产、时间)浪费在某人身上,或在某个人身上付诸东流、打水漂)】
以下是高频短语“Blow sth on sb”在美剧片断中的情景例句:
E.G.1:If you didn’t take the plea deal, the government would have seized the settlement. — Or we could have fought that in court. — Exactly, and then you would have blown all the money on the lawyers. (DH S01E18)
参考翻译:如果你不接受认罪协议,政府将会没收这笔和解金。– 那我们就继续打官司。– 是,然后你就会把所有的钱都付给律师。
E.G.2:Now if you wanna blow all that on this woman, just tell me now so I can stop wasting my time working with you. (DH S02E20)
E.G.3:Jeez. This is the tuition? — We’re gonna blow his college fund on first grade. (DH S05E14 12:05)
E.G.4:Don’t get me wrong, Mike. It was a wonderfully generous present. — But you can’t go around blowing your kid’s money on jewelry for your girlfriend. (DH S05E14 23:56)