口语实战第19期:市场营销(Marketing campaign)

Your company recently launched a detergent product, spotless scrub, as a BD Manager, you’ve been asked to give a mini-presentation to execute marking campaign, please discuss it with us based on the following topics:

你公司最近生产了一款清洁剂产品:喜刷刷,作为商务发展经理,你被要求针对公司的市场营销活动做一次小型会议演讲,请参考以下几个方面为本次市场营销方案出谋划策:(剧情参考:S01E07 32:46)


1、Target market

2、Media selection

3、Channels of distribution

Responsibilities:Be accountable to the General Manager for making strategic plans, conducting Market research, participating in market exhibition and industrial events to enhance corporate image and brand awareness.

Pay regular visits to the company’s key accounts, establish good rapport with high-end perspectives and business alliances.

Leading subordinates in the BD Department, laying out executable plans and devise feasible approach to seize market share. Be accountable to report/be responsible for reporting project progress to stakeholders by conducting video conferences in an efficient manner.

Coordinate with department heads and cooperate with colleagues from different units in order to better facilitate handling customer complaints and delivering business presentations.

Build relationships with peers and external partners by finding common grounds, forming strategic alliances, negotiate favorable terms based on company’s interest to secure major business contracts through joint effort.


To me, I think the great majority would enjoy climbing up the corporate ladders as long as we’re ambitious and aspiring, it is only natural that man struggles upwards and water flows downwards.

Taking about the crucial qualities to nail down a successful career, the first essential character comes to my mind is enthusiasm, if you’re passionate about your work, you find ways to keep yourself motivated, you learn more and you perform well, it is more likely you ganna be noticed by your supervisors and employers.

In addition, being creative is another important quality to achieve career success, as a matter of fact, creativity leads to innovation, if you can create something unprecedentedly beneficial to the organization you’re in, it enables you to stand out from the crowed, sooner or later, you’re gonna be rewarded and promoted unless there’re a bunch of fools running the company.

Last but not least, Be willing to take on more responsibility:In order to cater to either your boss’s needs or your client’s satisfaction, sometimes, we’ve got make sacrifices. Some supervisors even purposely assign extra tasks which are not your responsibility, so be careful and mindful, it is not that they want to land you in deep water, on the contrary, it is a touchstone, they want to test and verify whether you’re qualified for a more critical role which demands your competence to take on high pressure and assume multiple tasks.


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