
Who do you think is the most eloquent Chinese English speaker / the most influential writer in contemporary society? Please try to single out someone who was born and bred in China and share with us on what grounds that you consider him/her the best. You can refer to the bullet points as following:

你认为当代社会土生土长的中国人中,谁是最有才华的演说家/最有影响力的作家? 请与大家分享,你是以什么标准来判断他 / 她才是最优秀的? 你可以基于以下几个要点与大家展开讨论:

(1)、Personal profile and background information of the person. (此人的个人经历及背景故事)

(2)、Accomplishments of the person’s work in the English-speaking world . (其人在英语国家的成就)

(3)、The criteria or benchmarks as to why you choose this person instead of others.(你选择此人的标准及参照依据)



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