看美剧学高频短语:This/That is so typical
This/That/It is so typical:A typical person or thing is a good example of that type of person or thing. (某人或某事很典型,不出意料之外,针对人:他就是这么一个人 /他通常就这德性!;针对事:这事很典型 / 这事果不其然)
以下是实用短语“This is so typical”在美剧片断中的情景例句:
E.G.1:It’s just so typical. You came to me for help, but instead, I gave you a lecture.(DHS08E11)
E.G.2:It’s moving day. Let me guess. You haven’t started packing yet. That is so typical.(Devious Maids S01E13)
E.G.3:This is so typical. You know, we give and we give….and we give. And we just get nothing back. (Friends S01E11)