
Trader:You wanted to see me? 你想见我

Axelrod:I want to give you a short 我想给你一个

——>> that you’re not gonna bail on too quick. 你不会过早放弃的做空机会

——>> Do you know Cross-co. ? 你知道克洛斯公司吗

Trader:Cross-co. Trucking. I’ve been tracking it. 克洛斯 做货车运输的 我有一直追踪它

——>> Mid-size firm, has a big distribution contract中等规模企业 和好食光面包

——>> with that bakery company Yumtime. 有大型经销合同

——>> Been holding 50. 股价一直稳定在50

——>> Fundamentals are solid. 基本面分析很可靠

——>> I don’t see the short play. 我看不出有值得做空的地方

Axelrod:I don’t need you to see it. I need you to do it. 我不需要你看到 我需要你去完成

——>> We’ll get 50 on the tape. We’ll size up later. 先就以50卖出 然后再做评估

——>> You got a fucking problem with this? 你有意见吗

Trader:No. 没

Ben:Morning. – Hey, Axe. -早上好 -嘿 阿克斯

Axelrod:Scrumpet? 要松脆饼吗

——>> You ever eat these? 你吃过吗

Ben:My parents own a deli in Kew Gardens. 我父母在皇家植物园经营一家熟食店

——>> We used to sell them. -You grew up in Queens? -我们以前就卖这个 -你在皇后区长大吗

——>> We moved there when I was 9, from Korea. 我九岁的时候全家从韩国移民过来

Axelrod:Oh, you speak the language? 你会说韩语吗

Ben:[韩语] 我会说韩语 (I can speak Korean)

Axelrod:Good to know. You worked in that deli? 很好,你在那家熟食店工作吗

Ben:Every morning, every afternoon, 每天早上 每天下午

——>> and I did the books on the weekends. 只有周末有时间做账本

——>> And then Stanford. 然后就进了斯坦福

Ben:American dream. 美国梦

——>> Here’s something they didn’t teach you at Stanford, Ben. 教你点在斯坦福学不到的东西 本

Axelrod:Whenever you can, put a company in your mouth. 只要有机会 就要把公司放进自己嘴里(知已知彼,百战不殆)

“Wherever you can, put a company in your mouth”

The meaning of this mind blowing statement is simple: Knowlege is power.

This is applicable in almost every domain of life, but especially applicable in business, whether you’re a business owner or just an employee. To put a company in your mouth is to learn the ropes and know the in and outs of every aspect of the business you are involved in. It means that you are going over and beyond to know what is happening in your company, your industry, to know what your competitors are doing and how you can stay ahead of the curve(wipe out the comptition). It means that you are always prepared and you have made it difficult to be taken by surprise. As seen in the high risk, big reward moves made by Axelrod on Billions, this is a winner’s mindset.

Just imagine that, when you’re supposted to put sth into your mouth, and that something is too big for you to digest, so what you gonna do?  First, you’ve got to tear it apart and cut it into pieces and it takes time for you to process and digest it. So here, “put  a company in your mouth” means to know every piece of information, especailly the low-down of your business.

As a business owner you should always be looking for new opportunities to acquire, process and distribute knowledge to your team. You should be encouraging and challenging your employees to be aware of all parts of the business, even those that do not directly involve them, so as a whole, everyone keeps the end and future goals in mind. Having intimate knowledge of your team members or employees helps you better evaluate their performance and know in which ways and areas they need to be pushed, or where to better direct their skills.

It means that you are always prepared and you have made it difficult to be taken by surprise. ()

What does this mean as an employee?

If you come to my channel, we have a service mantra[‘mæntrə] in live-streaming: “Strive not to be a success, but rather of value”. The best mindset to a live-streamer is to think of yourself as a value creating asset for the audience. Working in a company is being a part of the team; and every team member must do their part to feed into the success of the whole.

As a walking company ambassador, it is advisable to have expert knowledge not only about your department but about the company as a whole, so you are always prepared to answer any questions. What should drive you should not be your individual performance but how that performance ties into the present and future results for the over arching [‘ɑːtʃɪŋ]  plan and purpose. Knowledge is power, and knowledge gives you confidence. You can quickly become a flent speaker if it is clear that your interest goes beyond your payslip.

If you have knowledge of the inner workings of your company, you will know where you need to insert yourself to be of value, and how best to rise within the ranks. Carrying out expansive research into competitors and industry puts you ahead of the curve and allows you to better aid your company’s growth, and depending on what you do, to negotiate deals on stronger footing.

So carry this statement “Put a company in your mouth” everywhere with you, and remind yourself that no matter where you fall on the chain, you are a value adding necessity to the big picture. If you must take something away from Billions, it should be that knowledge is the key to always being one step ahead of the competition.

Axelrod:What do you think? 你觉得怎样

Ben:Not as good as I remember. 不像我记忆中那么好吃

Axelrod:And that’s a problem, 那就出事了

——>> cause I own a hell of a lot of these fucking things 因为我有一大堆这玩意

——>> and I’m about to own more. 而且我还会有更多

Cheryl:Mr. Bailey’s office. 贝利先生办公室

——>> I have Mr. Purkheiser on the line. 帕克海瑟先生想与您通话

Bailey:Thank you. 谢谢

——>> What do you say, Purk? 要说什么事 帕克

Purk:Word is, Bobby Axelrod is up to a 4. 9% stake in YumTime. 据说波比·艾克斯罗德拿到好食光4. 9%的股权

  ——>> Stake:a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business.  (树桩、赌注、利害关系)

——>> Stakeholders:a person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business. (利益相关者)

Bailey:Thanks for the heads up, Purk. 谢谢你提醒我 帕克

Heads-up:an advance warning of something. (提前的警示)



Alex:As members of the board of YumTime…好食光的董事会成员…
Male BM:Gathered informally. 非正式聚集在此
Alex:you must wanna know 你们一定想知道
——— if my acquiring almost 5% of your company 我收购你们近百分之五的股份
——— is a vote of confidence. 是否出于信任


——— So let me put an end to the suspense — it isn’t. 那么我现在跟你们摊牌–并非如此
Mike:Mr. Axelrod is prepared to increase his position 阿克斯罗德先生准备加持股份
——— and file with the SEC. 并上报证交会
——— In addition to its stake, 除了这些股金
——— Axe Capital controls a significant percentage 阿克斯资本还掌握着
——— of the silent money votes in this company. 这个公司的大部分隐名合伙
——— Which means, come proxy season, 也就是说  股东大会的时候

Proxy season:Proxy season is the period during which many companies hold their annual shareholder meetings.

——— there’s a road for all of you being out on your asses. 你们都会被赶出去
——— It’s all in the letter, which can be released publicly. 东西都在信封里  可以公开
——— We’re all aware of activist letters, 我们知道那些活跃分子的信

Activist:a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.

——— and Mr. Axelrod’s history with such. 以及阿克斯罗德先生与他们互动的事迹
——— A seat at the table and a say in management decisions. 一个董事会席位加管理决策制定权
Male BM:Based on what? 凭什么
Mike:The fact that YumTime profits have declined 8 years running, 好食光连续八年利润下降
——— while executive compensation has soared 300%. 管理层薪资却上涨了三倍


——— And Hutch Bailey III has been CEO 确切地说就是在哈奇·贝利三世
——— for exactly that span of time. 担任总裁那段时间 

Span of time:the period of time between two dates or events during which something exists, functions, or happens.

Alex:I’m not here as a declaration of war, 我不是来这儿宣战的
——— but as a beacon of hope –而是为你们亮起一盏明灯
——— someone who knows how a business should be run, 一个懂得企业运作的人
——— who sees exactly why your brand is bleeding market share, 准确洞悉为何你们的市场份额不断流失
——— from the ingredients to the marketing. 从食品成分到市场营销都了如指掌
Female BM:You are in a room full of career business operators. 这屋子里坐着的都是企业经营者
Alex:Absolutely. 没错
——— And I’ve been made to understand 所以我知道
——— that you’re the reasonable board members 你们都是明白事理的董事会成员
——— who see how tenuous the future of YumTime is. 都清楚好食光未来堪忧

Tenuous:To describe a situation that is very slender or fine; insubstantial.

Male BM:We could be as reasonable as Phil Donahue, 我们可以像菲尔·多纳休一样明白事理







——— wouldn’t change a thing. 但说什么也没用
——— Hutch Bailey III is the CEO 哈奇·贝利三世是总裁
——— and will be until he decides otherwise. 除非他另有打算  否则他一直都是总裁
Female BM:The Bailey family is YumTime. YumTime is the Bailey family. 贝利家族就是好食光  好食光就是贝利家族
Alex:As the majority of the board of directors, 作为董事会的多数
——— you can change all of that in an instant. 你们可以瞬间改变这一切
Female BM:Our chairman, Jerome Purkheiser, 我们的董事长杰罗姆·帕克海瑟
——— is a wise and smart man. 聪明睿智
——— And he has been like a second father to Hutch 哈奇二世过世后
——— once Hutch II passed on. 他就像是哈奇的另一个父亲
Male BM:And I do not think Purk would look upon this 我觉得帕克不会认为
——— in a friendly way at all. 这是件好事
——— So leave your letter. 把信留下
——— Put it on a billboard if you want. 要是你喜欢的话  也可以公开
——— This meeting’s over. 本次会议结束

下面这段对白剪辑描述Axe是如何动之以情、晓之以理,将Yumtime公司的总管事Purkheiser 先生(简称Purk)说服,让他接受自己的意见和想法的。该场景涉及到一些比较经典的俚语表达和实用短语和词汇(已在脚本处用红色做了标记),下面请大家 观看视频,然后阅读脚本,参考我给大家整理的解析。



Axelrod: So?  怎么样?
Mr. Purk:It’s a good slice of pizza.  – 披萨很好吃
Axelrod: Bruno. – 布鲁诺
Bruno:What is it, Bobby?  – 什么事  伙计?
Axelrod:Tell Mr. Purkheiser why I love your sauce. 告诉帕克海瑟先生  我为什么喜欢你的调料
Bruno:Uh,I use the San Marzanos. 我用的是圣马沙诺
Axelrod:Tomatoes. – 番茄
Bruno:Yeah, yeah, tomatoes. – 对对  是番茄
            –You make ’em without ’em, it wouldn’t taste right. 你要是不用那个品种  味道就不对
Axelrod:Right. More expensive? 是啊  贵一些吗
Bruno:Oh,yeah, yeah. 是的  是的
            –But like I say, it wouldn’t taste right. 但像我说的  不这样味道就不对
Axelrod:Wouldn’t be verace. 不像verace那么正宗.(verace:法国知名的匹萨品牌)
Mr. Purk:Verace?  –Verace指的是?
Axelrod:The true way you make a pizza Napoletana. 拿波里匹萨的正宗做法
              –This place is the pizza of my youth. 我小时候匹萨的味道  就是这里
              –He’s been making it just like this since I was a kid. 打我小时候  他就是这么做匹萨的
Mr. Purk:You know… 你知道
                  ——>> Normally,somebody wants to waltz with me, 通常  人们要想跟我打交道
                   ——>> I find myself sawing a 20-ounce rib eye 我都会去富人区吃20盎司的肋眼牛排
——>> on the East Side with a $500 cabernet. 开一瓶500美元的红酒
Waltz with sb:To approach or come up next to someone. (打太极,兜圈子)
cabernet:卡勃耐 (一种红葡萄酒)
Axelrod:I am different from the other children. 我和其他孩子不一样
Mr. Purk:Mm, well, that is clear now, Mr. Axelrod. 的确  阿克斯罗德先生
Axelrod:When I was 11 years old till I was 14, I was a paperboy. 我11到14岁时  给人家送报纸
                  ——>> I delivered the Journal News every day after school. 每天放学都去送《新闻报》
                  ——>> And when I finished my route, 等送完报纸后
                  ——>> I’d pick up a YumTime Scrumpet. 我就会来一块好食光松脆饼
                ——>> It was my reward. 犒劳自己
                ——>> I did this every weekday for three years. 我每天放学送报  送了三年
                ——>> And a while back, I brought my two boys here. 不久前  我把两个孩子也带过来了
                ——>> And I showed them my route, 带他们重走送报路线
                ——>> we stopped for a Scrumpet, 还停下来吃了块松脆饼
                ——>> and they were colorless, 可那些饼干毫无特色
                ——>> over-sweet,petrified. 太甜太硬
                  ——>> Needless to say, my two boys were underwhelmed. 不用说  两个孩子并不喜欢
                  ——>> So was I. 我也不喜欢
                  ——>> Didn’t taste as good. 不像之前那么美味
                  ——>> SoI did some research, 所以我研究了一下
                  ——>> and I learned that the recipe had changed. 发现是配方不一样了
                  ——>> Bruno! 布鲁诺
                ——>> What’s the name of those tomatoes again? 那些番茄叫什么来着
Bruno:Uh,the San Marzanos. 圣马沙诺
Axelrod:Brunon ever let me down. 布鲁诺从没让我失望
              –YumTime let me down. 好食光让我失望了
Mr. Purk:Public company now. 公司现在上市了
            ——>> Gotta boost profits for the shareholders. 得替股东们增加收益
             ——>> Synthetic ingredients are cheaper, margins are better. 合成配料越便宜  利润就越高
            ——>> Hutch III is playing a quarterly game. 哈奇三世在玩季度收益游戏
            ——>> It’s just a different world. 世界不一样了
Axelrod:Well, Hutch III is flying around that different world in a G6. 哈奇三世乘G6在不一样的世界畅行无阻
            ——>> I’m guessing Hutches I and II flew coach. 我猜哈奇一世和二世只坐经济舱
            ——>> It’s classic, time immemorial[ˌɪmə’mɔːriəl] — 这是亘古不变的现象
            ——>> Hutch I starts it, Hutch II grows it, 哈奇一世开创  二世发展
            ——>> Hutch III blows it. 三世搞砸
            ——>> Shirtsleeves[‘ʃɜːtsliːvz] to shirtsleeves in three generations. 富不过三代
——>> Come on, Purk. You have to see that. 好了  帕克  你得认真问题的严重性啊
——>> If you don’t throw in with me or someone like me, 你如果不把它交给我或和我一样的人
Throw in with sb:to join or support someone or something, to become associated with one and accept that what happens to them will affect what happens to you. (与某人站在同一阵线,相当于side with someone,但用throw in显得稍微有点低格了,像是请求获得别人支持,而throw in 则是让别人主动奔过来,因为上赶着不是买卖。Alelrod火候拿捏的死死的。)
——>> YumTime goes the same way as Ebinger’s. 好食光就会和艾宾格一个下场
——>> What’s Ebinger’s? 艾宾格怎么了
——>> That’s exactly what you wanted me to ask, isn’t it? 你就是想让我问这个 是不是


Petrified:changed into a stony substance; ossified.(变僵硬;  使石化)
E.G. A petrified plant or animal has died and has gradually turned into stone.
E.G. He was underwhelmed by the prospect of  being class monitor. 即将当班长并没让他兴奋不已
Recipe:食谱、配方  –注意这个词在商务英语中还有原因、起因的意思。固定搭配为:be a recipe for sth.
商英例句:E.G.:Large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster  大规模的通货膨胀会造成灾难
Boost:增强、提高、促进   E.G. We need a big win to boost our confidence.
Margin:利润、差价/差额,余地…  (商务英语必会单词)  这里就几个不太常见的意思进行举例:
E.G. 1(余地):We allowed a margin of 20 minutes in catching the train.
E.G. 2(边缘):We came to the margin of the wood.
E.G. 3(空白页):The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books.
Immemorial [ˌɪmə’mɔːriəl]:久远的、亘古不变的  time immemorial:自古以来

Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations:富不过三代

英文释义:This is an old saying, “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations.” which means that the older generation started with nothing, worked hard and amassed wealth, and by the time their great-grandchildren are in charge, the family is back where they started, with nothing.

这里大家可能会比较好奇,为什么是用Shirtsleeves呢?首先我们需要了解其本意为:作为名词为:衬衣袖子,作形容词讲是:无需穿外衣的 (warm enough so that you do not need a coat or jacket),那么引伸开来就是不缺吃缺穿的富有人群了。

那么与之相对应的穷不过三代应得如何表达呢?  我选择下面的这个版本:

Clogs to clogs in three generations / rags to rags in three generations:

参考译义如下:Clogs to clogs in three generations from proverbial saying, late 19th century, said to be a Lancashire proverb; the clog, a shoe with a thick wooden sole, was worn by manual workers in the north of England. The implication is that the energy and ability required to raise a person’s material status from poverty…


下面这段对白剪辑将重点介绍:Yumtime公司董事会上通过投票表决,取缔公司首席执行官Hutch III及重要董事Evelyn。该场景涉及到一些比较经典的俚语表达和实用短语和词汇(已在脚本处用红色做了标记),下面请大家观看视频,然后阅读脚本,参考我给大家整理的解析。


Mr. Purk:Meeting to order. 会议开始

              ——>>Let the record reflect that two guests are present  —会议记录写上有两位客人出席
              ——>>Mr.Robert Axelrod, shareholder, 股东罗伯特·阿克斯罗德先生
              ——>>and Mr. Michael Wagner. Welcome, gentlemen. 以及迈克·瓦格纳先生  欢迎两位
              ——>>Now I think we’re all familiar with Mr. Axelrod, 大家应该都很熟悉阿克斯罗德先生
              ——>>by reputation and through the letter that was circulated. 他声名远播  再加上流传的那封信
              ——>>And I feel that this might be a good time 我想现在是听他亲自表达想法的
            ——>>to hear directly from him. Mr. Axelrod? 最佳时机  阿克斯罗德先生
Axelrod:Thankyou. 谢谢
              ——>>Folks,my proposal is simple. 各位  我的建议很简单
              ——>>Return to the original recipes 回归最初的配方
             ——>>and restore the YumTime brand to its former glory. 重塑好食光品牌往日的荣耀
Hutch III:And then what? 然后呢
              ——>>After a good quarter or two, you spin it off? 一两个良好季度之后  又抛售掉
Spin sth off:For a company to separate from one of its divisions or holdings through sale, reorganization, or other means.
              ——>>Do you see what’s happening here? 大家没看清现在的情况吗
              ——>>This…carpetbagger, he comes in here, 这位投机者站在这里
Carpetbagger[‘kɑːpɪtbæɡə(r)]:A Northerner who went to the South after the Civil War for political or financial advantage.  (美国内战后利用南方不定局势谋利的人,现今尤指那种没有在行业内历练,通过偷奸耍滑、通过投机倒把赚取昧心钱的人)An outsider, especially a politician, who presumptuously[prɪ’zʌmptʃuəslɪ] seeks a position or success in a new locality.
              ——>>he shakes things up, 他是来搅局的
Shake sth up:to cause large changes in something such as an organization, usually in order to make improvements. (搅动事局,尤指给某个组织带来大的改变。)
              ——>>he sells the company off in pieces, 想把公司拆散卖掉
              ——>>and then he dumps his shares the minute it ticks up. 然后在股票上涨的瞬间抛售掉
ticks up:to increase, to go up.
tick down:of some amount or period of time, to decrease or draw to an end.
E.G.1:We only had five more weeks until the deadline, and it felt like time kept ticking down faster each day.
E.G.2:I always hated the feeling of the summer ticking down when I was a kid.
tick (sb) off:to  annoy, provoke someone.
              ——>>He’s a raider, plain and simple. 他就是个掠夺者  显而易见
Axelrod:–Not my intention. 并非我意
Evelyn:Do you have any idea of the cost of returning to the old recipes? 你知道要回归原始配方得花多少钱吗?
              ——>>We can’t remain competitive.我们就无法保持竞争力了
Axelrod:Yes, sugar instead of corn syrup[‘sɪrəp], 对  用糖代替玉米糖浆
              ——>>and the elimination of polysorbate[pɒlɪ’sɔːbeɪt] and other crap 不用聚山梨醇酯,还有其它”垃圾”
              ——>>will add to the per unit cost and cut into the margins. 会增加单位成本  削减利润
Cut into sth:to take away or use part of a period of time or an amount of something: (消减份额、时限、利润等)
Evelyn:And destroy profits. 还会有损收益
              ——>>How do we explain that to the shareholders? 我们该怎么跟股东们解释呢
Axelrod:No explanation necessary. 不需解释
              ——>>We make up the difference by streamlining inefficiencies 我们可以精简低效部门
Make up sth:To reconcile or resolve differences. (通过做某事以解决争端和分歧:make it up to sb)
              ——>>and trimming bloated executive compensation and perquisites [‘pɜːkwɪzɪt], 削减膨胀的高管薪资和津贴来弥补差额
Trim:to reduce the amount or size of something: (减少)
Bloated:larger or richer than necessary. (膨胀的、肿起的、熏制的:如,Bloated sausage[‘sɒsɪdʒ]烤肠
perquisite:an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job. (额外补贴;临时津贴)
prequisite[ˌpriː’rekwəzɪt]:something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen. (先决条件;前提)
premise[‘premɪs]:something that you suppose is true and that you use as a basis for developing an idea.(房屋、土地、经营场所、办公场地、前提,前述事件、控诉事实)
Hypothesis[haɪ’pɒθəsɪs]:The antecedent of a conditional statement. (假想的)前提
Rationalization[ˌræʃnəlaɪ’zeɪʃn]:The action of making a company, process, or industry more efficient, especially by dispensing with redundant[rɪ’dʌndənt] personnel or equipment. (合理化)
              ——>>beginning with the corporate jet. 就从取消公务机开始
Hutch III:Okay, you have a jet.   – 你不是也有飞机吗?
Axelrod:I earned a jet. – 那是我自己挣来的
Hutch III:I earned one, too. 我也是自己挣的
              ——>>I started at the bottom. 我从最底层干起
              ——>>And the Scrumpets taste fine. 松脆饼味道很好
BM 1:You came on as a 22-year-old vice president 你22岁直接任副总裁
              ——>>and you raped the Scrumpet. 是你毁了松脆饼
rape:the act of destroying or spoiling an area in a way that seems unnecessary. (肆意损坏、糟蹋、蹂躏)
              ——>>I eat them. I eat Scrumpets 我也吃了  我吃松脆饼
              ——>>and Dingdoodles and Kookoonutties, 吃了叮嘟闲食和酷酷坚果
              ——>>and they are good. 味道都很好
BM 2:They’re not as good. 味道没之前的好
Evelyn:But they’re still very, very good. Delicious. 可味道还是非常好  美味
Mr. Purk:Listento me. 听我说
              ——>>I move that effective immediately, 以下提议立即生效
effective immediately:(being in effect without any delay). It means a policy is operational and enforced as of the moment that the announcement “effective immediately” is made.(即时生效)
              ——>>Hutchinson Bailey III be removed from his duties 解除哈奇森·贝利三世的职务
              ——>>as Chief Executive Officer of the YumTime corporation. 其不再是好食光公司的执行总裁
Hutch III:Hang on a minute here! Purk, you’re being conned! 等会儿  帕克  你被耍了
Evelyn:Jerome, this is not what we discussed. 杰罗姆  这不是我们商量好的
Mr. Purk:Evelyn,there have been subsequent discussions. 伊芙琳  我们后序有新的商议
Subsequent:coming after something in time; following. (follow-up discussion without Evelyn’s participation, she’s been excluded)
              ——>>Is there a second? 有第二位同意的吗?
BM 1:Second. 我第二个赞成
Mr. Purk:All those in favor? 同意的举手
            ——>>Motion carries. 决议通过
Motion carries:The decision will be carried out from that point forward.
Hutch III:Youtraitor. 你个叛徒
            ——>>My father is turning in his grave, I assure you. 你让我父亲九泉之下不得安宁
Turning in one’s grave:If you say that a dead person would turn in their grave, you mean that they would be very angry or upset about something. (同中文语境:形容死去的人在坟墓里面不得安身,尤指发生某些违背其生前意愿的事情)
Mr. Purk:Your father thought you were a lunkhead[‘lʌŋkhed]. 你父亲觉得你就是个呆子(智障)
            ——>>Please ,find the door. 门在那边  请吧
Hutch III:Fuck this. 我操
            ——>>I’ll get my company back… 我会夺回公司的
            ——>>somehow. 总有办法
            ——>>And fuck you, Axelrod. 去你妈的  阿克斯罗德

Axelrod:Well, now you’re off my Christmas list. 你已不在我的圣诞清单上了

Off someone’s Christmas (card) list:This expression means that you are no longer on friendly terms with someone. (那这个梁子我们结定了,那我们就走着瞧)

Mr. Purk:I now move…现在我提议
            ——>>to remove Evelyn Benson from this body 解除伊芙琳·班森在公司的职务
Body:a group of people who work or act together, often for an official purpose, or who’re connected in some other way. (团体、社团、群体,这里指董事会)
Delegate sth to sb:1、To give/entrust sb duties, responsibilites, power, etc. so that they can act on someone’s behalf. (把…委托给某人)
2、A person who is chosen to vote or make decisions on behalf of a group of other people, especially at a conference or a meeting. (代表,尤指会议代表)
E.G.  The meeting was attened by delegates from 91 countries.  会议有来自91个国家的代表参与。
            ——>>and delegate her seat to Robert Axelrod.  并指派其职务给罗伯特·阿克斯罗德
Evelyn:What? ! – 什么?
Mr. Purk:Second?  有第二位同意的吗?
BM 2: Second. 我第二个赞成
Evelyn:I’ll go to the press. 我要把这些捅给记者
Mr. Purk:If you do, 你要去
            ——>>you’ll be burned down with your own match. 就会引火烧身
Burned down with one’s own match:taste one’s own medicine or be hoisted [hɔɪstid] by one’s own petard[pə’tɑːd]. (引火上身、自作自受)
            ——>>But if you don’t, 可你要是不去
            ——>>we’ll write you a nice endorsement, 我们会给你写个漂亮的推荐信
endorsement: A public statement or action showing that you support sb /sth.  (Here it mean the board will write her a nice reference letter)
            ——>>and maybe you’ll get another board. 或许你能加入别的董事会
Evelyn:You old cocksucker. 你个老不死的
Mr. Purk:The same might be said of you, my dear. 你话针对你来说或许更适合  亲爱的
            ——>>All those in favor? 同意的举手
            ——>>Motion carries. 提议通过
            ——>>Goodluck, Evelyn. 好运  伊芙琳


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