Have second thoughts (about sth/doing sth):to reconsider or have doubts about a decision or plan that was previously made. (对某事产生疑虑–意味着重新考虑或对之前做出的决定或计划产生怀疑。)

看美剧学英语高频短语:Have second thought about sth

以下是高频短语“Have second thoughts”在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

E.G.1:I’m just saying I would understand if you‘d a second thoughts about marrying a man who’s under a cloud. (DH S03E02 09:02)


E.G.2:I’m having second thoughts about Rex’s death. I’ve known Rex and Bree for nearly 20 years. And I’ve never had any reason to suspect. (DH S02E02 26:18)


E.G.3:So how do you feel now? — About us? I feel good. I feel happy. — You’re not having second thoughts? (DH S02E19 39:25)


E.G.4:Susan, he’s having second thoughts. I mean, come on, there’s not a married man on earth who didn’t have second thoughts before he got married. (DH S06E16 18:55)



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