
Jessica:Robert. What a coincidence seeing you here. 罗伯特 在这里见到你  真巧啊

Robert:It’s not a coincidence. 一点都不巧

Jessica:I didn’t think it was.  我也没觉得是

Robert:I got to give it to your man Harvey. He comes full throttle你那个哈维还有点本事 气势汹汹啊

“Come full throttle [‘θrɒtl (油门)] ” is an idiomatic expression that means to approach a situation or activity with maximum effort, energy, or intensity. It implies giving one’s full commitment and dedication. (类似表达:Running at one’s full cylinder)

Jessica:He has his pros and cons. 他有他的优点和缺点

Robert:They all do. 他们都这样

Jessica:Did you bring your checkbook? Thank you.  你带支票簿来了吗  谢谢

Robert:I brought this. 我带了这个

Jessica:You’re going to decertify our class? 你要撤除我们的集体诉讼案

Robert:I’m gonna bust it wide open. 我要将之掰开揉碎

To “bust something wide open” means to reveal or expose something significant, often a secret, hidden truth, or a situation that was not previously known. It implies a thorough and impactful revelation. (”揭示事物真相” 意味着揭露或暴露出重要的事物,通常是一个秘密、隐藏的真相,或者是之前未知的情况。这暗示着一种全面而有力的揭示。)

——>> You see, after you brought my daughter to that deposition, 你让我女儿参与那次取证之后

——>> I realized not all women are the same. 我发现不是所有女人都一样

Jessica:No way this gets busted up into 113 cases. 你休想把这拆成113个独立案子

Bust:to cause something to separate into parts or pieces. (拆散某事物)

Robert:I’d say a minimum of 45. 要我说最少也有45个了

——>> Some you may win, some you may lose. 有些你能赢  有些你会输

——>>  All of which are gonna drain your resources. 但每个案子都会消耗你们的资源

Jessica:You’re threatening me again. 你又来威胁我了

Robert:I have another option. 还有另一个选择

Jessica:Which is what?  什么

Robert:I told you– not all women are the same. 我跟你说了  不是所有女人都一样

Harvey:You got to be kidding me. 你不是开玩笑吧

——>>  “Not all women are the same.” What the hell does that mean?” 不是所有女人都一样”  这算什么?

Jessica:He wants to merge. 他想和我们合并

Harvey:What? 什么

Jessica:Pearson Zane. 皮尔逊·赞恩

Harvey:No. No way. I’m not doing that. 不不  没戏  这我可不干

Jessica:Oh, excuse me? 你说什么

Harvey:We didn’t fight off Hardman to end up here. 我们赶走哈德曼可不是为了这个下场

Jessica:Well, you went after the man’s daughter, 还不是你折腾人家女儿

——>>  which is what put us here. 我们才落得这个下场

Harvey:You told me to cut him off at the knees. 是你叫我把他整得满地找牙

Cut sb off at the knees:to undermine or severely weaken someone’s efforts, plans, or authority, typically by taking away their essential support or resources. It implies causing significant damage or obstruction to someone’s progress or position. (着通过剥夺某人的基本支持或资源,来破坏或严重削弱某人的努力、计划或权威。它暗示着对某人的进展或地位造成了重大的损害或阻碍。)

Jessica:If you’re gonna go that low to put someone down, 你要是用那样的手段打倒一个人

——>>  then you better make damn sure that they don’t get back up. 最好别让他们再爬起来

Harvey:It doesn’t matter if it’s Robert or not. They’re gonna keep coming. 不管是不是罗伯特 滋事的会络绎不绝

Jessica:Until I put your name on the door. 直到我把你的名字加上去

Harvey:That’s not what this is about. 不是这个意思

——>>  We can only take these hits for so long. 我们撑得了一时  撑不了一世

Jessica:Death by a thousand cuts. All right. 千刀万剐  难逃一死 好吧

Death by a thousand cuts:an idiomatic expression that metaphorically describes a situation where something is gradually and continuously worn down or destroyed by a multitude of small, often unnoticed, actions or events. (“千刀万剐之死” 是一个比喻,形容某事逐渐被无数小的、常常不为人注意的行动或事件所摧毁。比如中国古代的凌迟。)

——>>  Well, if they’re gonna keep coming, 如果他们要来

——>>  then we may as well just make it one big brawl [brɔːl (喧闹、打斗)] . 那我们不如大干一场

A “big brawl” refers to a large and disorderly fight or quarrel involving a significant number of people. It often implies chaos, intense physical confrontation, and a lack of control. (大规模争斗)
参考翻译:”Big brawl” 指的是一个涉及大量人员的混乱、激烈的打斗或争吵。通常暗示着混乱、激烈的肢体冲突以及缺乏控制。


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