
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E02-Part02


Catch on(明白、理解、搞清楚某事;某种事物变得流行或成为时尚)

1、to become fashionable or popular.

2、to understand, to realize or figure out something, especially after a long time.

看似两类不同的解释,但它们之间有非常清晰的连接纽带。一个东西只有变得流行,成为大众时尚(catch on),才有人想要弄清楚、搞明白,从而被人们所记住,理解。大家还记得一个我们非常熟悉的场景:当你跟外国人交流时,如果没太听懂他在说什么,可以使用:

Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said. (这里的“catch”就包含了理解的意思)

E.G.1:You can’t keep doing the kinds of things you’re doing. Susan Mayer’s kitchen, for example. People are going to catch on. (绝望的主妇:S01E21)

E.G.2:You looked so hot, Mr. Solis pulled you down on the bed. And you had to fake an orgasm just so he wouldn’t catch on. (绝望的主妇:S04E05)

Break up with someoneTo end a marriage or a romantic relationship. (结束一段婚姻或恋情)

Engage in sthTo do (something); To cause (someone) to take part in (something);

“Engage in”这个短语有多种意思,通常情况下意为”参与,从事”,其他引申义都是通过这个意思拓展而来。比如,电话正在通话中(占线)或者是两个人在交往、谈恋爱。

Be vocal about sthBe vocal about sth means speak your thoughts about something. You have to say what your ideas are, what’s in your mind about certain topics. (陈述对某事的看法,畅所欲言)

Ecstasy[‘ekstəsi]A state of extreme happiness, especially when feeling pleasure. (狂喜、特别兴奋)

Sth Below the surfaceWhat you cannot see but can only guess at or feel as opposed to those that are most easily identified. (藏于表面的那些难以分辨和判断的事物)

E.G.1:Lynette shouldn’t have been so concerned about my husband. He had other things on his mind, things below the surface. (DH S01E01)

E.G.2:She’s always pleasant, and I can’t tell you how annoying that is. Whatever she feels, it’s so far below the surface, no one can see it. (DH S01E02)

参考翻译: 她总是表现的很开心,你不知道我有多讨厌这点:她把情感都藏在心里,没人能知道。

Disengage[ˌdɪsɪn’ɡeɪdʒ]Separate or release (someone or something) from something to which they are attached or connected. (把某人或某物从已经参与和依附的事物中分离和解放出来)

【片段精解】——>>CLIP 09

John: This is great. I got tons of homework tonight. 真棒 我今天有很多作业

——>>So it’s easy to concentrate after sex. 做爱以后注意力会很集中

Gabby: I’m glad I could help. 很高兴能帮上忙

——>> Education’s very important. 教育很重要

John: Oh, I got something for you. 我有东西给你

——>> I was gonna give it to you next time I mowed your lawn, 我本来打算下次去修剪草坪时候给你

——>> but since you’re here. 既然你来了

Gabby: Oh, it’s a rose. 玫瑰

John: It’s not just any rose. 它不是普通的玫瑰

——>> Look at all the petals. There’s no flaws. 看这些花瓣 没有瑕疵

——>> It’s perfect. 它很完美

Gabby: Oh, John. 约翰

John: Just like you. 就像你一样

Narrator: The truth hit her like a thunderbolt. 事实像雷电一样击中了她

John: I spent days looking for just the right one. 我找这样的花很久了

——>> I finally found it. 终于找到了

Narrator: For John, 对于约翰来说

——>> this was no longer a meaningless little affair. 这已经不是简单的风流韵事了

——>> Gabrielle could now clearly see 加布丽尔明显地看出来

——>> he was falling in love with her. 他已经爱上她了

Gabby: It’s just beautiful. 太美了

——>> I… I got to go. 我得走了

John: Goodbye. 再见



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