Desperate Housewives S01E11 Part03
At risk of sth:
Pericarditis [ˌperɪkɑː’daɪtɪs] : 心包炎
Membrane:[‘membreɪn] 薄膜;膜状物
Inflammation: [ˌɪnflə’meɪʃn] 发炎;炎症
As … the words “constant care” echoed in her head, Bree caught a sickening glimpse into her future…which prompted her to seek an old-fashioned remedy.
- 引人入胜的 absorbing
- 激起别人好奇心的 compelling
- 非常有趣的 interesting
Vehicle: 小型的交通工具
Band together:团结起来 / rally around
Clue: 线索
Look for clues, or worse, corpse /body.
Keep sb’s eyes on the horizon:将视线放在一条水平线上,直视前方
False alarm:假警告
Crisis averted:危机解除
Doesn’t that figure? 这还看不出来吗?
Make sth all about sb:以某人为中心、焦点
Crafted interior:手工制作的汽车内饰
Get sb’s mind off sb/sth:把某人、某事从心中放下。
Be a sucker for sth:
Hit the boutiques:到专卖店
Shop sb’s heart out: 尽情、放开做某事
None of someone’s business:
Undue stress: 过多压力
French the hell out of sb:
Extra-curricular activity:课外活动
= Extra-marital affair (隐喻)
Stunning: 惊艳
Exchanged pleasantries:
Cute/curvy figure:招人喜欢的身材
Fit in with your appetite/pick-up style:
Fit in with something:
Owen is quite fitted in with this position.
You kissed me as though that would end this conversation, and it so won’t.
Have crush on sb: 一见钟情 / 日久生情
(分裂句) What worries me about this is…
It was Lynette who was worried about…
Have hots for someone: 对某人心生情愫、有性幻想
By nature:天生
Be drawn to sb/sth:对某人或某物情有独钟
Men by nature are drawn to fertile, young women with whom they can plant their seed.
Basic flaw:硬伤、通病
Do sb the / an honor:
- 求婚或求人的时候,(卖个面子给…赐予某人荣幸、赏脸)
- 与人较劲或发生争执时,(痛快点、坦白点)
Have a lust in one’s heart:起色心了、有色念、有非份之想
Hold someone’s water:别着急
There’s nothing better than great conversation with beautiful woman over a delicious meal.
For male: what a soothing image!
Commit adultery: have extra-marital affair/ infidelity/ fornicate
Get along adj without sth…
It wasn’t…until…
Blackout/ the electricity goes out
To see the light:
I’ve never been to me:未曾有过自己
Exploring the subtle whoring
I for one…就我而言,比方说我
Count me in…算我一个
Not budging: 不会改变立场、想法、观点
Throw sth in one’s face: (当面)打脸
Doesn’t it just figure: 这不是在预料之中吗?
Turn on sb:攻击某人 在这里引申为:Susan会被别人嘲讽,甚至是轰下台去。
To attack or criticize someone suddenly.
Turn sb on:让某人来了欲望
Take someone’s chance:冒险一试
Even-keeled: well-tempered + stable
Go figure:好好琢磨
Don’t I get credit for…… 反诘?
Get plastered: 喝醉了
Feel sb up:抚摸身体make out 的前奏 move love
Just tell you that the affair is one thing, I forgave you because on some small level
I thought you’re in love of her. And I find out you were just groping people at parties.
You know what are we doing during our marriage, how many other women were you sticking it do? As God is my witness, it will snow on the hills of hell before I ever feel sorry for you again!