As sth went on…sb did sth, which…
But as the evening wore on, the moment Susan had been waiting for… failed to materialize.
Drive (用力击球、开杆) for show, putt (把球轻轻打进洞)for dough.
Casserole [‘kæsərəʊl]:a kind of stew that is cooked slowly in an oven.
372–Tomorrow night, 明天晚上
373–I’m gonna swing by his place to offer him a casserole 我打算到他家给他炖个汤,顺便借个肩膀给他哭泣
374–and a shoulder to cry on. 顺便借个肩膀给他哭泣
375–Will that shoulder be wearing a spaghetti strap 是不是准备穿一件性感吊带衫
376–and Chanel No. 5? 配上香奈儿5号香水
377–You know me so well. 你真懂我
378–Oh! Look at him. Even in mourning the man is scrumptious. 看看那个可人儿,即使肃穆深沉 都叫人蠢蠢欲动。
Scrumptious [‘skrʌmpʃəs]:Apart from describing the food is super and yummy, we could also use “scrumptious” to refer someone who’s adorable and desireable.
Verdict [‘vɜːdɪkt]:裁决、截断
Semblance [‘sembləns] :假象,表象;外观,外貌,外表,样子,肖像。 the veneer, facade [və’nɪə(r)] of something.
Narrator:Beautiful lawns…Spacious homes…Happy families…漂亮的草地,宽敞的房子、快乐的家人
——>> These are the hallmarks of suburbia, 这些都是住在城郊的特征
——>> but if you look beneath the veneer of gracious living,但在这华美的生活背后
——>> you will see a battle raging…你会看到一场蓄势待发的战争
——>> a battle for control. 一场掌控权的争夺战
Swing from the chandelier [ˌʃændə’lɪə(r)]:To swing means to go back and forth like you do on a swing in a playground. Here it just means the party got so wild/ boisterous [‘bɔɪstərəs] that people were “swinging from the chandeliers” (A chandelier is a type of fancy light that hangs from the ceiling. )(纵情欢乐、以至感觉到天花乱坠 :人生得意须尽欢)
E.G.1:I’m gonna swing from the chandelier. I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist!
Desperate Housewives S01E11 Part02
Remanded: 将…还押候审
Mike is very considerate and thoughtful
Open mic:开放式的麦克
Make a day/night of it:一整天/晚
Do one’s happy dance: 欢呼雀跃
She’s got a to-do-list: Lynette有要执行的事务清单
Having a sale: 降价促销
Set up:设定
Aroused his sexual desire:激起了他的性欲
As…sth went on, sb did sth, which…
While…get on…, sb did sth, one…
Dash: 匆忙奔向…
You don’t say: This phrase used to express surprise in a humorous and slightly unkind way.
- 不是吧?不至于吧?
- 你还真别说。。。你还真不用讲。。。
Revolving platform:转台
- 挥动、摆动、舞动
- 荡秋千
- 短暂拜访
- 朝向、转向(奔着…去的)
情绪波动、心情或立场摇摆 - 搞定、摆平 Manage to do sth
Drive for show, putt for dough.
Spaghetti strap:吊带; 细肩带;
Scrumptious:adorable and desirable
Macho pride:男人的爷们范
Freakishly flexible:朝三暮四
Put the scare into sb:恐吓某人
Rough him up:对某人对粗
Have the upper body strength of kitten. (手无缚鸡之力)
Anger management:/ Get sb rage issues under control.
Get sb out of the mess:
Reciprocate: 报答、回报
On bottle duty:照看孩子吃奶
Semblance:Façade/ Veneer:
Sex swing:性爱秋千
Get (back) into the swing of things:
Be in full swing: 全面展开、处于焦灼状态
Take a wild swing:脑筯急转弯
Swing from the chandelier:谚语
Chandelier:A type of fancy light that hangs from the ceiling.
Go back and forth like you do on a swing in a playground.
E.G.: I’m gonna swing from the chandelier, I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist. (人生得意莫尽欢,今朝有酒今朝醉)
This phrase is a way to describe the activities, especially a wild party where people do crazy, silly things. They’re indulging themselves at the party.
Per se:Basically/ essentially 根本上、本质上
Blend in: 滥竽充数
Put oneself on the line:将某人置于某种危险、艰难处境。
Put sb’s neck on the line:比上面的意思更进一步 赌上身家性命了
On the verge of:处于某种不利书面的边缘
Conversion: 大会
Fair/ exhibition / Exposition:
Cash cow:现金牛—摇钱树
Vision:眼界 / 格局
Radius: 半径、范围
Master extortionist:敲诈专业户/勒索大师
Gem: Something that is very good, pleasing or useful. (让人非常惬意的事物)
Imposition: A situation in which sb expects anther person to do sth that they don’t wanna do or that is not convenient. (非份之想、不公平不合理的要求)
As it stands:照目前的情况来讲
I will be no longer accommodate any part of / the slight fraction of your every existence.
The final trace of affections between this couple will not go up in smoke even though Rex committed an extra-marital affair.
Anal retentiveness: if you refer somebody with an anal personality, you’re suggesting that they’re overly neat, careful and precise. (完美主义倾向)
Susan is hooking up with Mike:
I love you (5个阶段) Milestone
Popped out: premeditated / impulse
Caught sb off guard:措手不及
Have insight to sb/sth:对某人或某事的了解足够深入、全面
Dazzle:If you’re dazzle by sb or sth, you think they are extremely good and exciting.
Once for all / whatsoever: