看绝望的主妇学地道表达:A boot on one’s throat

A boot on one’s throat/neck:The high pressure and uncomfortableness that puts someone in jeopardy, which makes them want to get rid of it as soon as possible.(如鲠在喉、如芒在背)

看绝望的主妇学英语地道表达:A boot on one's throat

E.G.1:My whole life, money’s been the boot on my throat, you know? When I was a kid, when I was a young guy starting out, and even now when I’m supposedly some sort of a success. Yeah, it’s a pain in the ass. (DH S08E11 30:21)

E.G.2:You think you’ve got your boot on her neck now, and maybe you even do, for the moment, but watch out for her. She won’t forget. (The Tommyknockers 《绿魔》by Stephen King)

扩展表达:To have/put one’s boot on someone’s throat/neck:To exert a powerful, oppressive and probably cruel form of control on someone; To have someone in a very vulnerable position in which they cannot move. (让某人处于脆弱不堪、疲于挣扎、压力山大的局面)

E.G.1:Being Black in America is like trying to breathe while someone has their boot on your neck — a pressure that fluctuates, occasionally granting the illusion that a full breath might be possible. (By Joe Wilkes Dec. 5, 2019)

E.G.2:I understand the Minister may be receiving medical attention after having a boot on his throat by the former Senator Ross according to today’s Irish Independent, which is an interesting development. (Senator Michael McDowell)


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