近来,出演电视剧《绝望主妇》的女星菲丽西提·霍夫曼在法庭上认罪,引起了不少网友关注,被吐槽为“假戏真做,戏如人生!”,而在现实生活中,她的前老板(绝望的主妇的编剧及制作人)Marc Cherry非常给力,洋洋洒洒写了一篇对她非常有利的证词,并联合Gaby的扮演者伊娃双双为她求情,以帮助她获得法官的宽恕。那么,这是怎么一回事呢?一起了解一下吧。

以下是来自外媒对于“Marc Cherry为Lynette的扮演者丑闻求情”的细节报道:
‘Desperate Housewives’ Creator Marc Cherry Ask Judge’s “Mercy” For Felicity Huffman: Actress Was “A Master Class On Human Compassion” With Elderly Guest Star.
Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry praises his former star Felicity Huffman as patient, polite and, in an instance involving an older guest star who was having difficulty remembering lines, demonstrating “a master class on human compassion.”
Cherry’s letter of support written to the courtroom decider of Huffman’s fate, was obtained and detailed by US Weekly magazine. The letter’s public airing follows last week’s reveal of a similar courtroom missive written by Housewives co-star Eva Longoria in which she told of Huffman’s behind-the-scenes support and kindness when Longoria was being “bullied” by another (and unidentified) Housewives co-star.
Cherry is one of 27 people, along with Longoria and Huffman’s husband William H. Macy, to pen supportive letters as Huffman awaits sentencing for her role in the elite college admissions case.
The actress has pleaded guilty to mail fraud after paying $15,000 to increase her daughter’s SAT score. Federal prosecutors are recommending she be sentenced to one month in prison, but her attorneys have asked for a year’s probation, community service and a $20,000 fine. She’ll be sentenced on September 13 in Boston.
In his letter to the judge, Cherry describes Huffman’s polite interactions with a “big star” who displayed on-set “big behavioral problems” – possibly the same star accused by Longoria of bullying.
“Everyone tried their darndest to get along with this woman over the course of the show,” Cherry wrote. “It was impossible. And things went from bad to worse. Felicity still insisted on saying, ‘Good morning’ to this actress, even though she knew she wouldn’t get a response. I found out about this and asked Felicity about it. She smiled and said, ‘Just because that woman’s determined to be rude, doesn’t mean she can keep me from being polite.’”
Cherry also recalls the time an (also unnamed) older actress guested on Housewives as the elderly neighbor to Huffman’s character Lynette Scavo despite the guest actress’ trouble remembering lines.
“The next day I saw the dailies and it moved me to tears — this formerly great performer was struggling with practically every word,” Cherry wrote. “But Felicity Huffman was right next to her, treating her with so much kindness. … Felicity remained patient, supportive and helped this old woman through the day, turning what could have been a very tense situation into a master class on human compassion.”
“Any mercy you can show this woman will not be wasted,” Cherry wrote to the judge.
Last week, Longoria, in a letter obtained by NBC News, described Huffman as a “good friend” who welcomed the comparatively inexperienced Longoria to the ABC series in 2004. “There was a time I was being bullied at work by a co-worker,” Longoria wrote. “I dreaded the days I had to work with that person because it was pure torture. Until one day, Felicity told the bully ‘enough’ and it all stopped. Felicity could feel that I was riddled with anxiety even though I never complained or mentioned the abuse to anyone.”