看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Loose ends
Loose ends: A part or piece left hanging, unattached, or unused; An unsettled detail, as of a business matter; A minor unresolved problem or difficulty, especially a final detail preceding the completion of something.
As in The arrangements have been made, except for a few loose ends.

中文释义:Loose ends未了结的部分,未扣牢的一端,零碎材料。引申一个常用短语at loose ends, Loose意思是松动的、没系住的。如果用绳索系个活结,拉一下,结子就散开了。所以at loose ends常用来比喻可灵活松动的、不固定的、不受约束的情况,更常用来指觉得百无聊赖、闲得慌,而想消遣一下打发时间。
例句:The deal is nearly completed, it’s just a matter of tying up a few loose ends.(这笔买卖已基本做成,现在需要的只是做些扫尾工作。)
