看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Not one’s type
Not one’s type: Something someone says to be kind to the person that may be trying to ask them out or for their number, e-mail, etc. If you say that someone is not your type, you mean that they are not the sort of person who you usually find attractive.
As in One day you’ll find someone and you’ll be everything they want. Your not my type.

中文释义:拒绝别人的一种礼貌的说法。对可能想约你出去的人,或者要你的电话号码,电子邮件等等,委婉地说”You’re not my type”。这并不意味着他有什么问题。如果有人也这么说你,你只是不是他们想要的那种人。
例句:One day you’ll find someone and you’ll be everything they want.You’re not my type。( 总有一天你会找到一个人,你会成为他们想要的一切,你不是我喜欢的类型。)
