看绝望的主妇学高频短语:One of these days
One of these days: At some unspecified date in the future; someday; eventually. On some day in the future, as in You’re going to get into serious trouble one of these days. We use this expression to say that something negative will happen sometime – perhaps soon.

中文释义:短语one of these days通常用来表示“将来有一天,过不了多久…”的意思。然而,在该短语的主要使用场景中,我们用这个表达来表示某些消极的事情将在某个时候发生,也许很快,因此也可以理解为倒霉的日子,不走运的日子… 例句:One of these days you’ll see what it’s like to have your child insult you.(将来总有一天,你会看到你的孩子是如何对你无礼的。)
