看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Nowhere near
Nowhere near: 1. Completely unlike; not at all similar;2. A great deal less; not nearly. If you use nowhere near in front of a word or expression, you are emphasizing that the real situation is very different from, or has not yet reached, the state which that word or expression suggests.

中文释义:Nowhere near是一个很地道的表达,它表示“远远没有、相差很远”。比如,我们的期末论文还没写完,可能会说:My paper is not yet finished.而如果我们加上“nowhere near”这个表达,感情色彩会更加强烈:My paper is nowhere near finished.我的论文远没有写完 / 我的论文还早着呢。那种论文遥遥无期的焦虑心情感同身受。Nowhere near还可以用来进行比较。举个生活中的例子:你陪女朋友去逛街,前面走过一个姑娘,你女朋友说:她好瘦啊!这时你应该说:She is nowhere near as slim as you are.她远没有你瘦。
