看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Off you go
Off you go: You can leave now; Go! Move! You’re done. You’re all set; Someone or something is leaving. (Said on the departure of someone or something.) E.g. It’s time to leave. Off I go. Sally looked at the airplane taking off and said, “Off it goes.”

中文释义:off you go 你可以走了;你可以开始做了。在英语里,off you go最常见的意思就是你可以离开了,也可以表示你可以开始做一件事了。考试时老师对学生说off you go的意思就是可以答卷了,工作中领导说off you go,就是说可以开始工作了。例句:You finished your work, off you go.(你完成了你的工作,你可以离开了。)Everybody, the exam is beginning ,off you go.(考试开始了,你们可以开始答题了。)
