看绝望的主妇学英语地道表达:Work out the kinks
Work out the kinks:A kink is when something is doubled over onto itself or twisted. to work out the kinks means to straighten out the problems something has. If someone works out the kinks in a situation, they resolve the problems associated with it.

中文释义:Kink在物理层面常指某件原本平直的物件有个弯结,或人身体的某处肌肉纽结;从精神层面常指某种异乎寻常的奇思怪想,“to work out the kinks”这个俚语从字面意思上是指将弯结的地方抚平,在口语中一般译作将一些症结的问题解决掉或将某件麻烦的事情摆平。
