看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Hit the ceiling/roof
Hit the ceiling /roof: to become extremely angry; to give vent to a burst of anger or angry protest; to be extremely angry, to become very angry; (informal) suddenly become very angry, As in My parents are going to hit the roof if they find out we had a party here!

中文释义:hit the ceiling 听上去像是砸天花板,而实际上这是一种夸张的比喻。中文有句话叫“怒发冲冠”,形容人发起火来头发竖起来把帽子顶起来,英文中则更加夸张,怒气何止是顶起帽子,简直直冲天花板。所以hit the ceiling其实表示的是“大发雷霆、暴跳如雷”。hit the roof 也有类似这种用法。“Hit the roof”的意思是“勃然大怒,暴跳如雷”,都撞到天花板了,足可见火气有多么大。例句:She hit the ceiling when her boyfriend kept staring straightly at other pretty girls.(当她的男朋友直勾勾地盯着其他漂亮女孩看时, 她大发雷霆。)
