看绝望的主妇学高频短语:For future reference
For future reference: used when you tell someone something so that it will be known about and can be used in the future; in order to be used or looked at some time in the future. As in I filed the documents away for future reference.

中文释义:常用词组搭配“for future reference”是字典中的典型表达,意思是供以后参考;以后要记住;以备未来使用。例句:For future reference, I’m not a fan of surprise visits.(你以后注意点,我很不喜欢不打招呼就突然出现。)另外引申几个在工作邮件中常用的相关短语:FYI (for your information 供你参考,请知悉); FYR (for your reference供你参考); FYU (for your use供你使用)。
