看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Behind (one’s) back
Behind (one’s) back : In one’s absence; secret from someone; out of one’s presence or without someone’s knowledge, especially because they would not like it. If someone does something behind your back, they do it secretly, to harm you. As in I feel guilty about going behind his back and complaining to the boss.

中文释义:这个习语直译成汉语就是“在某人背后”,你在人家背后是想躲猫猫还是想吓唬人家?当然是都可以了,但是除了这个具体的含义之外,这个习语还有其比喻意义,这个比喻内涵其实与我们中文的说法非常类似,就是“背着某人”,可不是用身体“背着”某人,而是做某件事的时候“背着”某人,说白了,就是不让那个人知道。用于当人们四处活动,偷偷摸摸地说一些坏话时。例句: Everyone is laughing at me behind my back. (大家都在背后笑话我。)
