看绝望的主妇学高频短语:By nature
By nature: essentially or innately (天生就有地); as a result of inborn or inherent (遗传的) qualities; The very essence of something that is the truest answer to it. As in I don’t think she is a vicious person by nature—growing up in an abusive household just took a toll on her.

中文释义:天生的、生来、生性、本性上、就其本性而言; 用法上要和in nature区分开来。in nature意思是性质上,实质上;到底(加强语气)。例句:She is generous by nature. (她生性慷慨。)One can’t do everything by oneself. It isn’t in nature. (你不能什么都自己来,这是不切实际的。)