看绝望的主妇学高频短语:As a matter of fact
As a matter of fact: Used to add something more to what you have just said; used to say that you do not agree with what someone has just said or that the opposite of what they say is true. As in The shoes are still stylish, and as a matter of fact, I’m wearing a pair right now.

中文释义:说真的(表示在刚刚说的基础上再加一点),事实上(表示不同意别人刚刚所说的,或是事实刚好相反)。这个句型的含义接近”in fact”,实际上。这个常用口语短语表达的意思是”不瞒你说;其实;实际上”。同时这句话可以做插入语单独使用。例句: Did you just move here? As a matter of fact, I’ve lived here for 5 years.(你是刚刚搬过来的吗? 事实上(其实)我已经在这里住五年啦。)
