看绝望的主妇学高频短语: Hit on sb
Hit on sb: (also hit upon something) to have an idea or discover something suddenly or unexpectedly. As in Then we hit on the idea of asking viewers to donate money over the Net. American English informal to talk to someone in a way that shows you are sexually attracted to them. (搭讪某人,即向某人发起情感攻势。)

中文释义:“Hit”在英语应用中最普遍的意思就是“打击,撞击”,Hit on sb并不是打某人的意思,而是“勾搭”的意思,就如同人们常说的”撩妹”,“泡妞”一样。Hit on sth.表示突然想到某事。例句:Cindy never realizes when boys are hitting on her.(Cindy总是浑然不知有男生在追她。)
