看绝望的主妇学高频短语: Hear…hear
Hear…hear: used during a speech or meeting to say that one agrees with what someone else has just said. It is an exclamation that functions as a kind of verbal applause. It is a way of showing that you approve of what the speaker is saying, mostly in a formal context with many people present, such as a wedding toast, a political meeting, or a government assembly – especially in the British Parliament.

中文释义:Hear, hear是”hear him, hear him”的缩写,hear, hear=非常赞同, 为你说的话点赞。本来是英国国会中听众对讲者观点表达赞同的方式。英国议会一般不允许听众鼓掌,因此听众使用该短语来表达欢呼或赞同。意思是“大家快听他说,有道理。” 在非常口语化的场合, 比如别人的祝酒词你觉得很赞, 也可以用hear, hear. “hear him, hear him”最早出现在17世纪初的国会当中,而在18世纪缩短为”hear, hear”。该短语在初期的用处是用来吸引听众的注意。
