看绝望的主妇学高频短语: It occurs to
It occurs to: To be (suddenly) realized by one(突然想起/到……,恍然大悟); to come into one’s mind. [for an idea or thought] to come into someone’s mind. If a thought or idea occurs to you, you suddenly and unexpectedly start to think about it.

中文释义:(某人) 想起……,指〔主意或想法突然〕浮现于脑中,突然想起……,常用来表示自己突然想出一个好主意或好点子或者某件事情。另外引申一个相近意思的短语:it hit me 顿悟(恍然大悟)。例句: It occurred to me suddenly that I had met him somewhere. (我突然想起在什么地方见过他。)It occurred to me that she was jealous of me.(我突然发觉她嫉妒我。)

E.G.1:Bree hodge persisted in her effort to unlocthe secret of katherine mayfair’s lemon meringue. But after several failed attempts, it occurred to Bree that while she might not have the key to Katherine’s recipe…she did have the key to Katherine’s house. (DH S04E02 36:33)
E.G.2:As her guilt over the past began to mount, it occurred to lillian that death couldn’t come quickly enough. (DH S04E04 03:00)
E.G.3:It was at that moment it occurred to Gabrielle…this was the nicest compliment she had ever received. (DH S02E04 02:09)
E.G.4:In those last moments it occurred to her, in addition to being boring, life could also be very cruel. (DH S01E12 01:13)
E.G.5:Then one day it occurred to her, The best way to fight reality…was with a little fantasy. (S01E21 22:58)
E.G.7:It was at that moment it occurred to Ida God may work in mysterious ways, but he isn’t particularly subtle. (DH S02E01 02:25)
E.G.8:So it occurred to me…that I was really rude at the morgue. When you told me about Zach, I was so busy freaking out, I never actually congratulated you. (DH S02E01 33:26)
E.G.9:Until one day when it occurred to lynette there was one form of relaxation she had yet to try. (DH S02E05 01:28)
E.G.10:I was just about to grab dinner from that motel vending machine and it occurred to me, “what the heck? I’ll go out.” (DH S01E05 30:07)
E.G.11:One morning, it occurred to Lynette Scavo She could not remember the last time her family had breakfast together. (DH S5E10 00:38)
E.G.12:See, the thing is, it occurs to me that we’re already having to defend ourselves. (DA S05E07 44:16)
E.G.13:It occurs to me that you think you can do whatever you want here. This isn’t your playground. (HACF S01E02 18:08)
E.G.14:It occurs to me that I may have gotten a little too upset and jumped to some conclusions that were perhaps not true. (MF S02E17 10:52)
E.G.15:My watch is linked to the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado. It’s accurate to one-tenth of a second. But as I’m saying this, it occurs to me that, once again, your question may have been rhetorical. (TBBT S01E10 06:42)
E.G.16:You came to me on biblical grounds a short time ago. And when you left, it occurred to me that faith can be a beautiful thing, except when it’s misplaced. (Billions S04E02 43:21)
In Chinese: “It occurred/occurs to sb” 是一个英语习语,意思是某人突然有了一个关于某事的想法或想法,通常是他们之前没有考虑过的事情。它表明了一个意识到或领悟的时刻,当某人突然以新的方式理解某事物时。例如,如果有人说:“我突然想起我把手机忘在家里了”,这意味着他们突然意识到或记起他们把手机留在家里了,可能是已经离开了家。
“IT”作为形式主语,一件事情出现在我的意念当中。主语从句前面的形容主语“it”是作为后面从句内容的替身。这个“It occurs to sb”之所以令中国英语学习者犯迷糊,是因为中文里有个场景:分别叫“睹物思人、触景生情(由一件事物想到某人或某事)”和“条件反射、情不自禁(受到外界因素驱动,某一个时刻内心的顿悟或知觉被触发。)”,这些都是物有所指、事出有因,无法用形式主语替代。remind of…realise…
As he staring at the flickering candle flames, it occurs to him that his old sport is now in a precarious situation at the moment..(触景生情):看到孩子面黄肌瘦的样子,她突然意识到已经好久没有给他做顿像样的大餐了,内心一阵抽搐。
Seeing her child’s pale and emaciated face, it occurs to her that it had been a long time since she had cooked a decent meal for him, and her heart twisted in agony.
As the condemnations and ridicule grew louder and more piercing, it occurs to him that it was better to risk everything and fight to the end than to live a life of humiliation and deprivation.
While copying Li Bai’s “Invitation to wine” , it occurs to him that “wine in hand, I should drink to my heart’s content.” Instantly, his discomfort and discontent went up in smoke.
As I watched the back of an old man riding away, having returned empty-handed, it suddenly occurred to me that this was exactly like the scene depicted in the poem “A View of Autumn by Wang Zhiyuan” (天净沙·秋思).