看绝望的主妇学高频短语:For what it’s worth
For what it’s worth:If you add for what it’s worth to something that you say, you are suggesting that what you are saying or referring to may not be very valuable or helpful.(不管你爱不爱听,无论是否管用,当不当回事在于你)

我们中国人跟对方说令人不太愉快的正事前,为保持礼貌,经常会说:”这话可能不太中听……”,对应的英文是:”with all due respect”;而“For what it’s worth”理解为大白话就是:“如果我接起来要说的话对你没用,你就当你“耳旁风”好了。”
英语高频短语”For what it’s worth”在美剧语料库中的相关例句:
E.G.1:You know, for what it’s worth, I wanted to bring you in on it. But I was afraid you’d overreact.
E.G.2:I’m sorry that I lied, and for what it’s worth, the guilt has been tearing me apart.
