看绝望的主妇学高频短语: Home free
Home free: having finished the difficult or dangerous part of an activity and sure of finishing it successfully; Assured of success because the most difficult part is over; In a secure or comfortable position, especially because of being certain to succeed.

It’s a metaphor, and while it may have some use in baseball, it’s more likely to have originated in children’s games like hide-and-seek that have a “home” place which is the goal of players. When a game ends, for instance, there is a characteristic call to bring in the other players, saying, essentially, everybody can come home without being caught.
中文释义:home free并不是字面意思家庭自由。而是表示大功告成、稳操胜券。通常用来形容做某事,已经把重要的部分或者较难的部分完成了,已经胜利在望了。home free常常用来搭配be/get,be/get home free。例句:Are you home free in the game?(这一场你会轻易取胜吗?)