看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Believe it or not
Believe it or not: this is surprising but true, used to introduce a surprising fact. It’s true, whether or not you agree. As in Believe it or not, they got married after knowing each other only a week.
Etymology: Originating in the 1800s, this phrase gained currency as the title of a cartoon series begun in 1918 by Robert Ripley and continuing to run in American newspapers long after his death in 1949. Each drawing presented a strange but supposedly true phenomenon, such as a two-headed chicken.

中文释义:当别人对你的话表示怀疑时,一句“信不信由你”让你显得非常潇洒,Believe it or not意思是信不信由你。指让人惊讶的事实。例句:Believe it or not, one of the narrowest street in the world is only 49cm wide.(信不信由你,世界上最窄的街道中有一条只有49厘米宽。)
